import static* class PannierClip : Model { var thickness = 24 override fun build() : Shape3d { // want the "rect" lined up with the Y axis, to make it easy // to make the hole through it. val angle = 13.5 val doc = SVGParser().parseFile( "pannierClip.svg" ) val fiveP = doc.shapes["fivecm"] // A 5cm rectangle. Used to scale to the correct size. val scale = 50.0 / fiveP.size.x val mainP1 = doc.shapes["main"].scale(scale).rotate(angle) val rectP = doc.shapes["rect"].scale(scale).rotate(angle).toPolygon() // Force the tab to be perfectly lined up, even if angle is a little off. val tabP = rectP.boundingSquare() .scaleX( 6.5 / rectP.size.x ) .centerTo(rectP.middle) .scaleY( 0.9 ).frontTo(rectP.front) // Grr, was too long! val main = mainP1.chamferedExtrude( thickness, 1 ) val rect = tabP.roundAllCorners(1).chamferedExtrude( thickness, 1.5 ) val hole = Cylinder.hole( 100, 2.5, 8 ) .rotateX(90) .centerXTo( rectP.middle.x ) .frontTo( rectP.front ) .centerZTo( thickness/2 ) val hole2 = Cylinder.hole( 10, 5, 8 ) .rotateX(90) .centerXTo( rectP.middle.x ) .backTo( rectP.front-1.2 +3.5 ) .centerZTo( thickness/2 ) val all = (main + rect - hole - hole2).centerXY() val ear = Cylinder(0.3, 6).color("green") val ears = ear.rightTo(all.left+2).backTo(0) + ear.translate( 10,-7, 0) + ear.translate( 26, 12, 0 ) return all // + ears } }