import static* class Clip : Model { @Custom( about="Size of the pegs (length and height" ) var size = Vector2( 40, 20 ) @Custom( about="Gap between the two pegs" ) var gap = 2.0 @Custom( about="How much smaller are the pegs compared to the slots the go inside" ) var slack = 0.3 @Custom( about="Thickess of the peg's back plate, which will be stuck to the box") var backT = 1.0 @Custom(about="Radius of the slider") var radius = 2.0 @Piece fun slide() : Shape3d { val pegs : Shape3d = pegs() val pegT = size.y / 7 val pegsP = pegsProfile(false) val insideP = pegsP.offset(slack) val outsideP = Square( pegsP.size.x - backT + pegT - slack, pegsP.size.y + pegT *2 ) .roundCorner(2,radius) .roundCorner(1,radius) .centerY().leftTo(backT+slack) val end = outsideP.chamferedExtrude(pegT, radius/2, 0) val mid = (outsideP-insideP).extrude(size.x).bottomTo( val exit = Cube( pegs.size.x+slack, mid.size.y, pegs.size.z + slack * 2 ) .bottomTo( mid.bottom ).frontTo(gap/2) return end + mid - exit + end.mirrorZ().bottomTo( } fun pegsProfile( forPegs : bool ) : Shape2d { val pegT = size.y / 7 val roundR = if (forPegs) pegT*0.7 else 0 return ( Square( backT, pegT*3 ) + Square( backT +pegT, pegT).translateY(gap/2) + Square( pegT, pegT*2 ).translateX( backT + pegT ).translateY(gap/2) .roundCorner(2,roundR) .roundCorner(1,roundR) ).mirrorY().also() } @Piece fun pegs() : Shape3d { val pegLength = size.x*0.4 val profile = pegsProfile(true) return profile.extrude( pegLength ).color("Orange") } override fun build() : Shape3d { val slide : Shape3d = slide() val pegs : Shape3d = pegs().translateZ(1.7) return slide + pegs } }