import static* class PinBox : Model { // The -0.8 and -1.6 are bodges to let me change the thickness of the // outside without re-printing the inside. @Custom var width = 50 - 0.8 + 1/2 @Custom var depth = 70 - 1.6 + 1 @Custom var height = 20 - 1.6 + 1 @Custom var innerThickness = 1.6 @Custom var outerThickness = 0.8 @Custom var text = "" @Custom var patternDepth = 0.3 @Custom var frontText = "↑ PINS ↑" @Custom var slope = true var slack = 1.5 var gap = 0.5 var chamfer = 1 var thumbR = 10 fun thumb() : Shape2d { return Circle( thumbR ) / Square( thumbR*3 ).centerY() } fun clip() = clip( 10, 2, 10, width*0.5, 1, innerThickness ) fun clip( clipWidth : double, clipThickness : double, clipHeight : double, span : double, gap : double, thickness : double ) : Shape3d { val clipP = PolygonBuilder().apply { moveTo(0,0) lineTo(clipWidth,0) lineTo(clipWidth,clipThickness) lineTo(clipWidth-clipThickness, clipThickness) }.build() val clip = clipP.extrude(clipHeight) - Cube( clipP.size.x ).rotateX(-45) val clipGapP = Square( span, gap ).rightTo(gap) .translateY(clipHeight+gap).also() + Square( gap, clipHeight+gap-0.6 ).translateY(gap+0.6) val clipGaps = clipGapP.extrude( thickness+0.01 ) .rotateX(90).centerZ()//.translateX( -clipWidth-gap ) return clip.centerZ().rightToOrigin().color("Blue") .remove( clipGaps.color("Red") ) } @Piece fun inside() : Shape3d { val h = height- outerThickness*2-slack val w = width - outerThickness -slack/2 val d = depth - outerThickness*2-slack val profile = Square( w, d ) .roundAllCorners(2) .center() val inside = ExtrusionBuilder().apply { crossSection( profile.offset(-chamfer) ) forward( chamfer ) crossSection( profile ) forward( h-chamfer ) crossSection() crossSection( -innerThickness ) forward( -h + innerThickness ) crossSection() }.build().center().color("Yellow") val thumb : Shape3d = thumb().chamferedExtrude( h + slack, 0, chamfer ).center() .translateZ(innerThickness) .mirrorX().rightTo( w/2 ) val insideHeight = h - innerThickness val curve1 :Shape3d = ( Square( insideHeight ) - Circle( insideHeight ) ).extrude( d-innerThickness*6 ).center().rotateX(90).rotateY(180) .leftTo(-width/2+innerThickness) val curve : Shape3d = if (slope == true) curve1 else Cube(0) val side = ( Cube( w-innerThickness*2, innerThickness, h-innerThickness ).centerZ().centerX() + Cube( w-innerThickness*2, innerThickness*3, innerThickness ).centerX().topTo(h/2) ).backTo(d/2-innerThickness) val clip : Shape3d = clip() .translateY(d/2) .translateX(w/2-6) val text = Text(frontText).center() .extrude(patternDepth) .rotateX(90) .rotateZ(90) .leftTo( inside.right ) .color("Green") return text + inside.and(clip).and(clip.mirrorY()) + thumb + side.mirrorY().also() + curve } @Piece fun outside() : Shape3d { val outsideP = Square( height, depth ).center() .roundAllCorners( chamfer, 1 ) val insideP = outsideP.offset(-outerThickness) //Square( height-outerThickness*2, depth-outerThickness*2 ).center() val cham = chamfer / Math.sqrt(2) val solid = ExtrusionBuilder().apply { crossSection( outsideP.offset(-chamfer) ) forward( chamfer ) crossSection( outsideP ) forward( width - chamfer + cham ) crossSection() crossSection( insideP ) forward( - width + outerThickness ) crossSection() forward( -cham ) crossSection( -cham ) }.build() val thumb : Shape3d = thumb().offset(gap).internalChamferedExtrude( height, 0.5 ) .rotateY(90) .centerX() .topTo(width+gap+cham) val text3d = Text(text).center().extrude(0.4) .rotateZ(-90).rotateY(90) .translateZ(width/2) .translateX(height/2) val slots = Cube( 11 ,depth+2, 11 ).center() .translateZ(width-10) return (solid - thumb).color("Green") - slots + text3d } @Piece fun both() = inside().toOriginZ() + outside().toOriginZ().translateX(-width/2-height/2-2) override fun build() : Shape3d { val result = inside() + outside() .center().rotateY(90).translateX(-outerThickness/2) .translateX( -40 ) return result } }