import static* import static* import static* import static* import static* class GameTiles : Model, PostProcessor { @Custom var size = Vector3(24,24,3.2) @Custom var cornerRadius = 4 @Custom var patternThickness = 1.0 @Custom( about="Diameter and thickness of a void which holds a washer or coin (to add weight)" ) var weight = Vector2( 21, 2.0 ) @Custom var spacing = 8 fun tile() : Shape3d { val tile = Square( size.x, size.y ).center() .roundAllCorners( cornerRadius ) .chamferedExtrude( size.z, 0.6, 0.4 ) if ( weight.x > 0 && weight.y > 0 ) { val hole = Cylinder( weight.y , weight.x /2 ) .bottomTo( (size.z - weight.y) / 2 ) return tile - hole } else { return tile } } fun tile( pattern : Shape2d ) : Shape3d { val plain = tile() val top = pattern.extrude( patternThickness ) .bottomTo( .color( "Green") return plain + top } @Piece fun plain() = tile() @Piece fun disk() = tile( Circle( size.x/2 - 3 ) ) @Piece fun rect() = tile( Square( size.x - 8 ).center() ) @Piece fun heart() : Shape3d { val half = Circle( 5.5 ).translate( 4, 3 ) hull Circle( 1 ).translate(0, -8) val heart = half.mirrorX().also() return tile( heart ) } @Piece fun club() : Shape3d { val circle = Circle( 4 ) val three = circle.repeatX( 3, 4.5 ).translateY(-1).centerX() + circle.translateY( 5 ) val tail = Triangle( 9 ).translateY(-9) return tile( three + tail ) } @Piece fun diamond() = tile( Square( size.x * 0.6 ).center().rotate(45) ) @Piece fun spade() : Shape3d { val half = Circle( 4 ).translate( 4, -1 ) hull Circle( 1 ).translate(0, 8) val tail = Triangle( 9 ).translateY(-9) val spade = half.mirrorX().also() + tail return tile( spade ) } @Piece fun cross() : Shape3d { val leg = Circle( 3 ).translateX(7) hull ( Circle( 1 ) ) val cross = leg.rotate(45).mirrorX().also().mirrorY().also() return tile ( cross ) } @Piece fun fourBlob() : Shape3d { val blob = Circle( 4 ) val blobs = blob + blob.translateX(4).repeatAround( 4 ) return tile( blobs ) } @Piece fun diamond2() : Shape3d { val size = 8 val foo = 1.5 val quarter = Square( size ) - Circle( size * foo ).translate(size*foo,size*foo) + Circle( 1.5 ).translateX( size ) return tile( quarter.repeatAround(4) ) } @Piece fun dots() : Shape3d { val dot = Circle( 4 ) val dots = dot.tileX( 2, 1.5 ).tileY( 2, 1.5 ).center() return tile( dots ) } @Piece fun set() : Shape3d { val a = disk() val b = rect().leftTo( a.right + spacing ) val c = cross().leftTo( b.right + spacing ) val d = fourBlob().leftTo( c.right + spacing ) val e = diamond2().leftTo( d.right + spacing ) val f = dots().leftTo( e.right + spacing ) return a + b + c + d + e + f } @Piece fun oldSet() : Shape3d { val a = disk() val b = rect().leftTo( a.right + spacing ) val c = heart().leftTo( b.right + spacing ) val d = club().leftTo( c.right + spacing ) val e = diamond().leftTo( d.right + spacing ) val f = spade().leftTo( e.right + spacing ) return a + b + c + d + e + f } @Piece fun oldThreeSets() = oldSet().tileY(3, spacing) @Piece fun threeSets() = set().tileY(3, spacing) // These pieces failed to print, so I'm printing extra copies! @Piece fun bodge() : Shape3d { val a = disk().tileX(3,2) val b = spade().tileX(3,2) return b //a + b.frontTo( a.back + 2 ) } override fun postProcess(gcode : GCode ) { if ( weight.x > 0 && weight.y > 0 ) { pauseAtHeight( gcode, size.z - (size.z - weight.y) / 2, "Insert weights" ) } pauseAtHeight( gcode, size.z, "Change Filament" ) } override fun postProcess(pieceName : String, gcode : GCode ) { postProcess(gcode) } override fun build() : Shape3d { return set() } }