import static* import static* import static* /* Work benches, which I plan to place in front of my shed. I could have a shorter, narrowed, single door version, which is sandwiched between another pair, and place a chop saw on the lower bench. The doors can be finished with tongue and groove, with a trim around the edge. The floor could be more tongue and groove, or plywood. */ class WorkBench : Model { var length = 1200 var width = 800 var height = 800 var legLumber = Lumber( "Leg", 50, 50, "Blue" ) var supportLumber = Lumber( "Support", 50, 38, "Grey" ) var boardLumber = Lumber( "Board", 110 - 5, 15, "ForestGreen" ) // Tongue and groov var footLumber = Lumber( "Foot", 120, 25, "LightGreen" ) var doorJamLumber = Lumber( "DoorJam", 40, 40 ) // Must be thicker than the door! var trimLumber = Lumber( "Trim", 40, 18, "Orange" ) var topLumber = Lumber( "Top", width + 100, 12, "White" ) @Custom var explode = 0 override fun build() : Shape3d { val lap1 = 15 val lap2 = supportLumber.thickness()-lap1 val upright = legLumber.cut( height ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( legLumber, 0 ).depth( lap1 ), 0 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( legLumber, 0 ).depth( lap1 ), 1 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( legLumber, 1 ).depth( lap1 ), 0 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( legLumber, 1 ).depth( lap1 ), 1 ) .label( "upright" ) .rotate(0,0,90) .translate( length/2, -width/2 - explode, 0 ) val frontBack = supportLumber.cut( width ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( supportLumber, 3 ).depth( lap2 ), 0 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( supportLumber, 3 ).depth( lap2 ), 1 ) .label( "frontBack" ) .alongY().rotate(0,90,0) .translate(length/2-supportLumber.thickness(),0,supportLumber.width() - explode).centerY() val boardCount = Math.floor(height/boardLumber.width()) val endBoard = boardLumber.cut( width ) .label( "endBoard" ) .alongY2().rotate(0,-90,0) .centerY().translate( length/2+ boardLumber.thickness(),0,0) val end = upright.mirrorY().also() + frontBack.translate( 0,0, height - frontBack.size.z + explode*2 ).also() + endBoard.repeatZ( boardCount, boardLumber.width() + 5 ) val back = boardLumber.cut( length + boardLumber.thickness() * 2 ) .label( "back" ) .alongX() .repeatZ( boardCount, boardLumber.width() + 5 ) .centerX().translate(0,width/2 + explode,0) .darker() val diagonal = supportLumber.cut( 300 ) .cutZRatio( MitreJoint( supportLumber, 1 ), 0 ) .cutZRatio( MitreJoint( supportLumber, 1 ).otherEnd(), 1 ) .label( "diagonal" ) .alongY().rotate(0,0,45) .translate(-length/2+ 217,-width/2,0) .mirrorX().also().mirrorY().also().darker() val across = supportLumber.cut( length - lap1*2 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( supportLumber, 3 ).depth( lap2 ).length(lap2), 0 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( supportLumber, 3 ).depth( lap2 ).length(lap2), 1 ) .label( "across" ) .alongX().translate(0,-width/2 - explode,0).centerX() val mid = supportLumber.cut( length - supportLumber.thickness()*2 ) .label( "mid" ) .alongX().centerX().centerY() .darker() val foot = footLumber.cut( 140 ) // Cut a notch out of the foot so that it supports the front/back rails. .cutZRatio( LapJoint( footLumber, 0 ).depth(40).length(30), 0 ) .alongY().rotate(0,90,0) .translate(-length/2+ supportLumber.thickness(),-width/2+10,40 - explode) val doorHeight = height - 40 val doorWidth = length/2 + boardLumber.thickness() - doorJamLumber.width() - 10 val doorJam = doorJamLumber.cut( doorHeight ) .label( "doorJam" ) .translate( -length/2- boardLumber.thickness(), -width/2- doorJamLumber.thickness(), 0 ) val doorUpright = trimLumber.cut( doorHeight ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( trimLumber, 3 ), 0 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( trimLumber, 3 ), 1 ) .label( "doorUpright" ) val doorAcross = trimLumber.cut( doorWidth ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( trimLumber, 1 ), 0 ) .cutZRatio( LapJoint( trimLumber, 1 ), 1 ) .label( "doorAcross" ) .alongX() .translate( 0,0, -explode/2 ) val door = doorUpright.translate( doorWidth - trimLumber.width(), 0, 0 ).also() + doorAcross.translate( 0, 0, doorHeight - trimLumber.width() + explode ).also() val top = topLumber.cut( length + 60 ) .label( "top" ) .alongX().rotate( 90,0,0 ) .centerX().translate( 0, width/2 + boardLumber.thickness(), height + explode) val positionedDoor = door .rotate(0,0,-80).translate( -doorWidth, -width/2-trimLumber.thickness() - explode*2, 0 ) return end.translate(explode,0,0).mirrorX().also() + across.mirrorY().also().translate( 0,0, height - across.size.z ).also() + mid + foot.mirrorY().also().mirrorX().also() + back + diagonal.translate( 0,0, height - diagonal.size.z ).also() + doorJam.mirrorX().also() + positionedDoor.mirrorX().also() + top } }