import static* /** Screwed these to my front wall. There is a similar script Words/Outline.foocad without the screw holes. If I were to rewrite this, use Outline.foocad to create the numbers. This implementation existed before ExtrusionBuilder could handle hollow shapes, so it creates the outlines "manually". */ class HouseNumbers : Model { var thickness = 3 var width = 3 var outsideChamfer = 1 var insideChamfer = 0.5 fun screw( y : double ) : Shape3d { val hole = keyholeHanger( 4, 8 ).mirrorZ() val profile = Circle( 9 ).scaleX(0.7) val solid = ExtrusionBuilder().apply { crossSection( profile ) forward( 4 - outsideChamfer ) crossSection() forward(outsideChamfer) crossSection( profile.offset(-outsideChamfer) ) }.build() return solid.remove(hole.translateY(4.5)).translateY( y ) } fun number( n : String ) : Shape3d { val text = Text(n, BOLD, 120) val smaller = text.offset( -width ) val outside = ExtrusionBuilder().apply { crossSection(text) forward(thickness - outsideChamfer) crossSection() forward( outsideChamfer ) crossSection( text.offset(-outsideChamfer) ) }.build() val inside = ExtrusionBuilder().apply { forward(-1) crossSection(smaller) forward(1 + thickness - insideChamfer ) crossSection() forward( insideChamfer ) crossSection( smaller.offset( insideChamfer ) ) forward( 1 ) crossSection() }.build() return (outside-inside).centerXY() // return outline.extrude( thickness ).centerXY() } @Piece fun two() = number( "2" ).and(screw( 61 )).and( screw( -61 ) ) @Piece fun three() = number( "3").and(screw( 61 )).and( screw( -61 ) ) override fun build() : Shape3d { val n3 = number( "3" ).and(screw( 61 )).and( screw( -61 ) ) val n2 = number( "2" ).and(screw( 61 )).and( screw( -61 ) ) return n3.translateX(-100) + n2 + n2.translateX(100) } }