import static* import static* import static* class SlackCalibration : Model { var size = 33 var sides = 30 val height = 6 val middle = 2 // The height of the constant width section in the middle val baseChamfer = 0.6 // Give extra space for elephant's foot on the first layers val topChamfer = 0.6 // This shouldn't be needed, so is only decorative fun turn( slack : double, angle : double ) : Shape3d { val circle = Circle(8-slack).sides(sides) val knob = Cube( 20, 5, height ).centerY() val half = (height - middle)/2-slack/2/Math.sqrt(2) val myMiddle = height - half*2 val main = ExtrusionBuilder().apply { crossSection( circle.offset(half-baseChamfer*2) ) forward( baseChamfer ) crossSection( circle.offset(half-baseChamfer) ) forward(half-baseChamfer) crossSection( circle ) forward( myMiddle ) crossSection() forward(half-topChamfer) crossSection( circle.offset(half-topChamfer) ) forward(topChamfer) crossSection( circle.offset(half-topChamfer*2) ) }.build() val str = "$slack".substring(1) val result = main + knob - Text( str, BOLD, 8 ).center().extrude(10).translateZ(height-0.4) return result.translateX(size-10).rotateZ(angle) } override fun build() : Shape3d { val hole = (Circle(8).sides(sides) + Square( 15, 12 ).centerY()) .translateX(size - 10) var bodyP : Shape2d = Circle(size).sides(sides) - hole.repeatAround( 6 ) val chamfer = (height-middle)/2 val body = bodyP.chamferedExtrude(height, chamfer) - Circle( size*0.3 ).internalChamferedExtrude( height, chamfer ) val result = body + turn(0.2, 0) + turn(0.25, 60) + turn(0.3, 120) + turn(0.4, 180) + turn(0.5, 240) + turn(0.6, 300) val inspect = Cube( 1000, 0.4, 1000 ).center().repeatAroundZ(6) + Cube( 1000, 1000, 0.1 ).centerXY().translateZ( height/2 ) // Remove one slash before Cube to inspect the voids by slicing through them, // and use render mode in OpenSCAD, because previewMode doesn't allow zooming in. return result // inspect } }