import static* /** Use a "follower" bit on a router to make rounded corners. For small radii, solid jobbies such as these are good : However, for a one-off template for a larger radius, I've created my own model. */ class RouterRadius : Model { @Custom var radius = 80 var extra = 20 var width = 10 var thickness = 7 var chamfer = 0.8 var engraveDepth = 1.0 override fun build() : Shape3d { val r0 = 1 val r1 = 5 val r2 = 20 val profile = PolygonBuilder().apply { moveTo( 0, -radius ) Quality.push() Quality.quality( 6 ) // The circular arc must be high res, we don't want to see the mesh! circularArcBy( radius, radius, radius, false, false ) Quality.pop() // Everything else can use the normal quality setting radius(r1) lineBy(extra,0) radius(r0) lineBy( 0, width ) lineBy( extra, 0 ) lineBy( 0,-width ) radius(r2) lineBy( 0, -width ) lineBy( -radius -width - extra, -radius - width - extra ) lineBy( -width, 0 ) radius(r0) lineBy( -width, 0 ) lineBy( 0, extra ) radius(r1) lineBy( width, 0 ) radius(0) lineBy(0, extra) }.build() val locators = Square( extra, width ).leftTo(radius+extra) + Square( width, extra ).backTo(-radius-extra).rightTo(0) val markers = Square( 1, width/2 ).leftTo(radius).backTo(-width/4) + Square( width/2, 1 ).leftTo(width/4).backTo(-radius) val textOffset = (radius+extra*2+width/2)/2-1 val text = Text("R$radius", BOLD).center() val positionedText = text.mirrorX() .rotate(45).translate(textOffset, -textOffset) val blob = text.margin(4, 2).boundingSquare().roundAllCorners(2) .rotate(45).translate(textOffset, -textOffset) val line = PolygonBuilder().apply { moveTo( blob.middle ) lineTo( radius*0.3, -radius*0.3 ) }.buildPath().thickness(width) val hollow = profile - (profile-locators).offset(-width) + blob + line return hollow.chamferedExtrude( thickness, chamfer ) + locators.roundAllCorners(r0).chamferedExtrude( thickness+chamfer, 0, chamfer ).bottomTo(thickness-chamfer) - (markers + positionedText).extrude(engraveDepth+1).bottomTo(-1) } }