Check with IE
Check the error page.
Lay out the forms nicely (style sheet).
photo nav doesnt look right
=== Misc ===
=== Family ===
- View Family
- Edit Family
=== Album ===
- New album
- List Albums
- View Album
=== Photo ===
- Upload photo
should show the name of the images last updated.
should show the images updated today (need a date stamp on photo)
Include the original filename last part only?), so that even without the thumbnail,
it still means something.
Have a "Back to Photo Album" instead of cancel.
Include a date of photo (and accuracy), which persists across uploads
Get the date from the meta-data of the image
Allow upload of a zip of images.
Java applet to upload photos.
- View Photo
- Edit Subjects in photo
=== Subject ===
- Edit Subject
Ok should redirect to the list of *all* subjects ???
- Use multiple mappings to redirect to different pages? editSubjectFromList, editSubjectFromHalo
- Edit Relationships
- Edit Halos
- Thumbnailer
- Create a How To document
Upgrade details
insert into relationshipType values ( 201, 'friend', null, 201, 201 );
alter table subject add subjectTypeId int;
update subject set subjectTypeId = 1;
alter table subject alter subjectTypeId set default 1;
alter table photo add label varchar(200);
update photo set label=filename;
create table subjectType (
subjectTypeId int not null auto_increment,
label varchar( 100 ),
primary key( subjectTypeId )
insert into subjectType values ( 1, 'person' );
insert into subjectType values ( 2, 'animal' );
Hmm, isn't there family, friends and pets???
Change the subject type for the pets and friends
# ---- family ----
create table family (
familyId int not null auto_increment,
label varchar( 300 ) not null,
subLabel varchar( 300 ),
notes text,
primary key( familyId )
insert into family values ( 1, 'Robinson, Good, Fielke, Smith, Clap etc.', 'Maintained by Nick Robinson and John Fielke', null );
alter table subject add familyId int;
update subject set familyId = 1;
alter table album add familyId int;
update album set familyId = 1;
# ---- notesRule ----
create table notesRule (
notesRuleId int not null,
priority int not null,
label varchar( 30 ),
pattern varchar( 100 ),
replacement varchar( 100 ),
primary key ( notesRuleId )
insert into notesRule values ( 1, 53, 'Heading 1', '(?m)^!(.*)$', '<h1>$1</h1>' );
insert into notesRule values ( 2, 52, 'Heading 2', '(?m)^!!(.*)$', '<h2>$1</h2>' );
insert into notesRule values ( 3, 51, 'Heading 3', '(?m)^!!!(.*)$', '<h3>$1</h3>' );
insert into notesRule values ( 4, 40, 'Bold', '__(.*)__', '<b>$1</b>' );
insert into notesRule values ( 5, 40, 'Italics', "''(.*)''", '<i>$1</i>' );
insert into notesRule values ( 6, 40, 'Horizontal Line', '^----$', '<hr/>' );
insert into notesRule values ( 7, 10, 'Blank Line', '(?m)^$', '<br/>' );
- highlight the current photo halo
- Events
- upload zip files of photos
- upload multiple images at a time
- Add icons to the "breadcrums", and add those to the index.jsp too.
change index.jsp to be more welcoming - and invite people to contribute.
Ensure the correct family is got. If a photoId is passed, then work it out from that - not the session.
When editing photos via a person, it is still doing next and prev for the album.
(the other page isn't being used).
- albumPhotoId - delete it, or map it correctly.
- Link to the default subjectInPhoto using hibernate.
New Features
- Have events, such as "boat party"
- New menu option from the Home page.
- Can also get there from a person's halo - it has a list of events that that person is associtated with.
- An album can be an event too (such as Algarve 2005)
- Actually, an album can be PART of an event (so mine, and steve's photos are seperate albums, but one event).
- Perhaps more generic. Allow arbitary "Labels" to be applied to any photo.
- Use sessions to build an event
- Start creating (or editing an event), then each picture has a "add to event" tag.
- Associating a SUBJECT with an EVENT is semi-automatic. The edit page can list all of the
people in the photos associated with the event. Next to each person, there is a check box
which decides if the person is associaed with the event.
- Each attendee can have a "main attendee" status, such as the bride and groom.
- These should be at the top, in bold.
- Add wiki technology instead of plain text notes.
- Relationships may not be reversable.
e.g. Bob may want Jane (his ex) on his page, but Jane does not want Bob on her page.
- invite a relative/friend via e-mail to view or create a family tree.