Package-level declarations


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interface ObservableOptionalPrinter : ObservableValue<Printer?>

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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interface ObservablePrinter : ObservableValue<Printer>

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of ObservableValue<Printer>, we can simply use ObservablePrinter.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of ObservableValue<ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings>, we can simply use ObservableScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings.

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class OptionalPrinterBinaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>, B, OB : ObservableValue<B>>(argA: OA, argB: OB, lambda: (A, B) -> Printer?) : BinaryFunction<Printer?, A, OA, B, OB> , ObservableOptionalPrinter

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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class OptionalPrinterTernaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>, B, OB : ObservableValue<B>, C, OC : ObservableValue<C>>(argA: OA, argB: OB, argC: OC, lambda: (A, B, C) -> Printer?) : TernaryFunction<Printer?, A, OA, B, OB, C, OC> , ObservableOptionalPrinter

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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class OptionalPrinterUnaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>>(argA: OA, lambda: (A) -> Printer?) : UnaryFunction<Printer?, A, OA> , ObservableOptionalPrinter

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

class OptionalScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettingsTernaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>, B, OB : ObservableValue<B>, C, OC : ObservableValue<C>>(argA: OA, argB: OB, argC: OC, lambda: (A, B, C) -> ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings?) : TernaryFunction<ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings?, A, OA, B, OB, C, OC> , ObservableOptionalScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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class PrinterBinaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>, B, OB : ObservableValue<B>>(argA: OA, argB: OB, lambda: (A, B) -> Printer) : BinaryFunction<Printer, A, OA, B, OB> , ObservablePrinter

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. An ObservablePrinter which is calculated from 2 (binary) other ObservableValues.

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Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of Property<Printer>, we can simply use PrinterProperty.

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class PrinterTernaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>, B, OB : ObservableValue<B>, C, OC : ObservableValue<C>>(argA: OA, argB: OB, argC: OC, lambda: (A, B, C) -> Printer) : TernaryFunction<Printer, A, OA, B, OB, C, OC> , ObservablePrinter

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. An ObservablePrinter which is calculated from 3 (ternary) other ObservableValues.

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class PrinterUnaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>>(argA: OA, lambda: (A) -> Printer) : UnaryFunction<Printer, A, OA> , ObservablePrinter

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. An ObservablePrinter which is calculated from 1 (unary) other ObservableValue.

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Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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interface ReadOnlyPrinterProperty : ObservablePrinter, ReadOnlyProperty<Printer>

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of ReadOnlyProperty<Printer>, we can simply use ReadOnlyPrinterProperty.

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class ReadOnlyPrinterPropertyWrapper(wraps: PrinterProperty) : ReadOnlyPropertyWrapper<Printer, Property<Printer>> , ReadOnlyPrinterProperty

Never use this class directly. Use PrinterProperty.asReadOnly to obtain a read-only version of a mutable PrinterProperty.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of ReadOnlyProperty<ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings>, we can simply use ReadOnlyScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettingsProperty.

class ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettingsBinaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>, B, OB : ObservableValue<B>>(argA: OA, argB: OB, lambda: (A, B) -> ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings) : BinaryFunction<ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings, A, OA, B, OB> , ObservableScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. An ObservableScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings which is calculated from 2 (binary) other ObservableValues.

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Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of Property<ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings>, we can simply use ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettingsProperty.

class ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettingsTernaryFunction<A, OA : ObservableValue<A>, B, OB : ObservableValue<B>, C, OC : ObservableValue<C>>(argA: OA, argB: OB, argC: OC, lambda: (A, B, C) -> ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings) : TernaryFunction<ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings, A, OA, B, OB, C, OC> , ObservableScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. An ObservableScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings which is calculated from 3 (ternary) other ObservableValues.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. An ObservableScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings which is calculated from 1 (unary) other ObservableValue.

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open class SimpleOptionalPrinterProperty(initialValue: Printer?, bean: Any? = null, beanName: String? = null) : SimpleProperty<Printer?> , OptionalPrinterProperty

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics.

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open class SimplePrinterProperty(initialValue: Printer, bean: Any? = null, beanName: String? = null) : SimpleProperty<Printer> , PrinterProperty

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of SimpleProperty<Printer>, we can use SimplePrinterProperty.

Boilerplate which avoids having to use generics. Instead of SimpleProperty<ScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettings>, we can use SimpleScriptsCanOverrideSlicerSettingsProperty.


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fun optionalPrinterProperty(initialValue: Printer?): PropertyDelegate<Printer?, SimpleOptionalPrinterProperty>

A Kotlin delegate to create an OptionalPrinterProperty (the implementation will be a SimpleOptionalPrinterProperty). Typical usage :

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fun printerProperty(initialValue: Printer): PropertyDelegate<Printer, SimplePrinterProperty>

A Kotlin delegate to create a PrinterProperty (the implementation will be a SimplePrinterProperty. Typical usage :