'use strict';
const defaultGateway = require('default-gateway');
const {networkInterfaces} = require('os');
const {parse, parseCIDR} = require('ipaddr.js');
function findIp(gateway) {
const gatewayIp = parse(gateway);
// Look for the matching interface in all local interfaces.
for (const addresses of Object.values(networkInterfaces())) {
for (const {cidr} of addresses) {
const net = parseCIDR(cidr);
if (net[0] && net[0].kind() === gatewayIp.kind() && gatewayIp.match(net)) {
return net[0].toString();
async function promise(family) {
try {
const {gateway} = await defaultGateway[family]();
return findIp(gateway);
} catch {}
function sync(family) {
try {
const {gateway} = defaultGateway[family].sync();
return findIp(gateway);
} catch {}
const internalIp = {};
internalIp.v6 = () => promise('v6');
internalIp.v4 = () => promise('v4');
internalIp.v6.sync = () => sync('v6');
internalIp.v4.sync = () => sync('v4');
module.exports = internalIp;