Package-level declarations
When mimicking a bidirectional binding, this prevents an update of one property to cause a repeated update due to the other listener.
Tracks a value of a property where we don't have the property itself, but only another property, (parentProperty) from which we can access the required property.
Tracks a value of a property where we don't have the property itself, but only another property, (parentProperty) from which we can access the required property.
Holds a value of type V, which can be observed using InvalidationListeners. When the value changes, the InvalidationListeners are informed via InvalidationListener.invalidated.
A ReadOnlyProperty is an ObservableValue, which is aware of its owner (bean), and the beanName.
A Property whose value is validated before being set. Whenever value is changed, validation is called with the old
and new
values. validation returns a validated value.
Using weak listeners can help prevent memory leaks.
Using weak listeners can help prevent memory leaks.