import static* import static* import static* class SaladBed : Model { @Custom // //var traySize = Vector3( 380, 240, 80 ) // var traySize = Vector3( 420, 520, 90 ) @Custom var gap = Vector2( 10, 10 ) @Custom var thickness = 18 @Custom var across = 3 @Custom var back = 1 val supportLumber = Lumber("support", 40, 20 ) val lumber = Lumber( "lumber", 150, thickness ) val trimLumber = Lumber( "trim", 20, 20 ) val extraLumber = Lumber( "extra", 30, 20 ) override fun build() : Shape3d { val front = lumber.cut( traySize.x * across + gap.x*across + thickness * 2) .alongX() .translateY( -back * traySize.y / 2 -thickness -gap.y*back/2) .centerX() val frontBack = front.mirrorY().also() val side = lumber.cut( traySize.y * back + gap.y*back ) .alongY() .centerY() .leftTo(front.left) .darker() val sides = side.mirrorX().also() val supportOffset = 40 val support = supportLumber.cut( side.size.y ) .alongY() .centerY() .translateX(traySize.x - supportOffset*2s - supportLumber.width()).also() .darker() val supports = support.repeatX( across, traySize.x ).centerX() val trimX = trimLumber.cut( front.size.x - lumber.thickness() * 2 ) .alongX() .frontTo( front.back ) .topTo( ) .centerX() .color( "Orange" ) val trimFrontBack = trimX.mirrorY().also() val trimY = trimLumber.cut( side.size.y - trimLumber.thickness() * 2 ) .alongY() .leftTo( side.right ) .topTo( ) .centerY() .color( "Orange" ).darker() val trimSides = trimY.mirrorX().also() // NOTE, add a mitre at each end, and cut a slot in the trim using the table saw. val trimExtras = extraLumber.cut( side.size.y - 6 ) .alongY2() .leftTo( side.right ) .topTo( + 6 ) .color( "Orange" ).darker() .repeatX( across -1, traySize.x + gap.x / 2 ) .centerXY() val trimExtras2 = extraLumber.cut( traySize.x ) .alongX2() .topTo( ) .repeatX( across, traySize.x + gap.x / 2 ) .repeatY( 0, traySize.y + gap.y / 2 ) .centerXY() .color( "Orange" ) val trays = Cube(traySize) .bottomTo( .tileX( across, gap.x ) .tileY( back, gap.y ) .centerXY().previewOnly() return frontBack + trimFrontBack + trimSides + trimExtras + trimExtras2 + sides + supports + trays } }