include General.foocad /* A seat, which has a storage compatment beneath suitable for a couple of large plasting containers. Use containers with lids, as the wooden lid will let rain pass through. */ class SeatContainer : General() { // Timber is either 1.8m or 2.4m. // I want to fit TWO 600mm boxes, so the length must be over 1200mm, // so the 2.4m timber is no good. // 1.8m timber leaves 500mm, which is just about perfect (for the width W) var length = 1200 var width = 440 var ringCount = 3 fun height() = (ww + gap) * ringCount - gap override fun build() : Shape3d { return expandingRings( lumber, length, width, gap, ringCount ) + slattedFloor( length, width ) + feet( length, width ) + lid( length + 80, width + 80, height() ) } }