import static* class Giddyserv : Model, PostProcessor { var thickness = 0.6 var bump = 0.6 override fun build() : Shape3d { val style = TextStyle( "DEFAULT_FONT", 7 ) val qr = SVGParser().parseFile("giddyserv-qr.svg").shapes["qr"].scale( 2.5 ).centerX() val giddyserv = Text( "http://giddyserv", style ).centerX().backTo( qr.front - 5) val password = Text( "wfWPAp!sbf&f", style ).centerX().frontTo( qr.back + 5) val router = Text( "WiFi : thomson", style).centerX().frontTo( password.back ) val stuff = qr + giddyserv + router + password val card = stuff.boundingSquare().offset( 10 ).roundAllCorners( 5 ) return stuff.extrude( thickness + bump ).color( "white" ) + card.extrude( thickness ).color( "blue" ) } // This is the main focus of this example! Also not that the class must implement PostProcessor. override fun postProcess(gcode: GCode) { //gcode.pauseAtHeight( bottomIndent, "Change Filament" ) //gcode.pauseAtHeight( thickness - topIndent, "Change Filament" ) } }