A bin for my bathroom. I have a shop-bought one, but it started to rust (cheap crap).
I considered a hinged lid, but I think a simple lid is better. I also considered a pedal mechanism, but my original bin's mechanism broke, and I doubt an all-plastic mechanism would be long lasting.
The liner is optional. It was included for 2 reasons : 1. Allow the inside to be a different color from the outside (without the need for multi-filament prints). 2. Allow the liner to be cleaned separately from the outside. This is only an issue if the bin has a hinged lid (which makes it harder to clean).
The knob is attached to the lid with a machine screw and a threaded insert.
import uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.join.v1.PinJoint import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.join.v1.Slice.* import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.extras.v1.Extras.* import uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.cup.v1.* import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.cup.v1.Cup.* import uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.smartextrusion.v1.* import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.smartextrusion.v1.SmartExtrusion.* include Knob.foocad class Bin : Model { @Custom var size = Vector2( 170, 200 ) @Custom var lidHeight = 20.0 @Custom var thickness = 1.7 @Custom var baseThickness = 2.0 @Custom var lipSize = Vector2(4, 5) @Custom(about="Extra space for the lip to fit into the groove" ) var gap = 1 @Custom var chamfer = 10 meth profile() : Shape2d { return Circle( size.x / 2 ) val angle = 30 return Segment( size.x / 2, 90+angle, 360 + 90 - angle) } @Piece meth main() : Shape3d { val cup = Cup( profile(), size.y - lidHeight, thickness ) .baseThickness( baseThickness ) .outsideBottom( roundedChamfer( chamfer ) ) .insideBottom( Fillet( chamfer + 1 ) ) .outsideTop( outsideEdge() ) return cup } //@Piece meth lidUpright() : Shape3d { val fillet = lidHeight / 2 val solid = profile().smartExtrude( lidHeight ) .bottom( outsideEdge() ) .top( roundedChamfer( fillet ) ) val hole = profile().offset(-thickness).smartExtrude(lidHeight - baseThickness) .top( Fillet( fillet, fillet ) ) val lip = lip().mirrorZ() val screwHole = Cylinder(solid.height + 1, 2.3) return solid - hole.translateZ(-0.01) + lip - screwHole } @Piece meth lid() = lidUpright().mirrorZ().bottomTo(0) @Piece meth liner() : Shape3d { val chamfer = this.chamfer * 2 val height = size.y - lidHeight - baseThickness - gap - lipSize.y val profile = profile().offset(-thickness - gap * 2 ) val profile2 = PolygonBuilder().apply { moveTo(0,0) lineTo( -2, 12 ) }.buildPath() val cup = Cup( profile, height, thickness ) .baseThickness( baseThickness ) .outsideBottom( roundedChamfer( chamfer ) ) .insideBottom( Fillet( chamfer + 1 ) ) .insideTop( fatLip( 9,2 ) ) return cup } meth outsideEdge() = fatLip( 9, 2, 0.5 ) //@Piece meth lip() : Shape3d { val overlap = 1 val gap = this.gap + overlap val extraY = 6 val totalThickness = lipSize.x + gap val totalHeight = lipSize.y + extraY val profile = profile().offset(-thickness + overlap ) val lipShape = profile - profile.offset( -totalThickness ) return lipShape.smartExtrude( totalHeight ) .insideBottom( Chamfer( totalThickness ) ) .outsideTop( lipEdge( lipSize, gap ) ) .topTo(lipSize.y) } meth lipEdge( lipSize : Vector2, gap : double) : SmartEdge { val lipProfile = PolygonBuilder().apply { moveTo(0,0) lineTo(gap, 0) lineTo(gap, lipSize.y) }.build().firstPath return ProfileEdge( lipProfile ) } @Piece meth knob() = Knob(40) // 30 // Print with TPU @Piece meth foot() : Shape3d { val profile = profile().offset( -chamfer/2 - 1 ) val ring = profile - profile.offset(-12) return ring.smartExtrude( 2 ) .top( Chamfer(1) ) } @Piece( printable = false ) override meth build() : Shape3d { val explode = 30.1 val main = main().color("LightBlue") val lid = lidUpright().bottomTo( main.top - lipSize.y + explode ).color("SteelBlue") val liner = liner().bottomTo( baseThickness + gap / 2 ).color("SteelBlue") val knob = knob().bottomTo( lid.top ).color("LightBlue") val foot = foot().mirrorZ().topTo( main.bottom - 0.2 ).color( "dimgrey" ) return main + lid + liner + knob + foot } }