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A towel rail to hang over a shower screen. The rail iteself is wood.

Note, if you have a smaller diameter pole, then consider reworking the profile in the svg document.

The "stickers" hide the screw that holds the plastic pieces to the wood. Consider using epoxy glue as well as the screw.

Print Notes

I used 20% infill. 2 perimeters, 4 bottom layers, and 4 top layers. Increase the perimeters and infill for extra strength?

Use a different colour for the "stickers"?

Possible Enhancements

  1. In hindsight, I should have supported a countersunk screw, by making the recess shorted, and then the "stickers" could be quite thin.

  2. The "stickers" could have pressed into a circular groove in the main part. This would preclude the use of glue.

  3. Include little rubber (PTU) feet where the part touches the shower screen.

FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout2d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout3d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.chamferedextrude.v1.ChamferedExtrude.*

class TowelRail : Model {
    var thickness = 10
    var depth = 5

    var capSize = 20

    var chamfer = 1

    var poleD = 37

    var stickerDepth = 5

    fun thicken( shape : Shape2d ) = thicken( shape, depth )

    fun thicken( shape : Shape2d, depth : double ) : Shape3d {
        return shape.firstPath.thickness( thickness ).chamferedExtrude( depth, chamfer )

    fun mirror() = build().mirrorX()
    fun stickers() = (Circle( poleD/2 ).chamferedExtrude( stickerDepth, stickerDepth/2, 0) -
        Cylinder( stickerDepth, 5 ).translateZ( 1 )).tileX(2,2)

    override fun build() : Shape3d {

        val shapes = SVGParser().parseFile( "towelRail.svg" ).shapes

        val a = thicken( shapes["a"], depth*2 )
        val b = thicken( shapes["b"] )
        val c = thicken( shapes["c"] )
        val d = thicken( shapes["d"] )

        val cap = shapes["cap"].chamferedExtrude( capSize, chamfer )     

        val pos = shapes["cap"].middle 
        val recess = Circle(poleD/2).translate( pos )

        val hole = Circle( 2 ).translate( pos ).extrude( depth * 2 ).centerZ()

        val end = Circle( thickness/2 ).translate(
        ).chamferedExtrude( depth*2, chamfer )

        val all = (a+b+c+d + cap + end - recess - hole).centerXY() 
        return all