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Simple holders for Vapes.

Glue to the inside of a drawer (or elsewhere!)

FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.arrange.v1.Arrange.*
import uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.smartextrusion.v1.SmartExtrusion
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.smartextrusion.v1.SmartExtrusion.*

class VapePouch : Model {
    @Custom( about="Total height, including the thickness of the base" )
    var height = 30

    @Custom( about="Thickness of the wall and the base" )
    var thickness = 1.2

    @Custom( about="A small chamfer at the base")
    var chamfer = 0.8

    @Custom( about="Only print a tiny ring to test the fit?" )
    var test = false

    fun makeCup( shape : Shape2d ) : Shape3d =
            .smartExtrude( height + thickness )
            .chamferBottom( chamfer )
            .cup( thickness )

    fun vaptio() : Shape3d {
        val r = 24/2
        val profile = Circle(r).leftTo(0) hull Circle(r).rightTo(36)
        // Offset needed, because  I designed it for the base, but mod gets wider further up. :-(
        return makeCup( profile.offset(0.5) )
    fun coolfireZ50() : Shape3d {
        val r = 27/2
        val profile = (
                Circle(r) hull
                Circle(r).translateX(4) hull
                Square( 20 ).roundAllCorners(2).centerX().backTo(r).translateX( 2 )
            ) +
            Square( 8, 17 ).centerY().leftTo( r ).roundAllCorners(1) +
            Square( 4, 8 ).centerY().roundAllCorners(1).centerY().leftTo( r + 5.5 )

        return makeCup( profile )

        Ok, this isn't a vape pouch, but it shares the same form, and I designed it at the same time,
        for the same location.
    fun remote() : Shape3d {
        val rect = Square( 51,21 ).center().roundAllCorners(4)
        val buttons = Square(34, 3).center().backTo(rect.front).roundCorner(1,2).roundCorner(0,2)

        return makeCup( rect + buttons )

    override fun build() : Shape3d {
        return arrangeX( vaptio(), coolfireZ50(), remote() )