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A thick walled box which snaps together with an interferance fit of lips. The ouside and inside of the box is smooth.

Comprised of a bottom and a top, and optionaly middle sections, which are hollow tubes (with the same lip connectors). You can include as many middle sections as you like, and either keep them free, or glue them to the bottom.

I highly recommend trying colour transparent PLA. It give an amazing striped effect from the infill pattern.

FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout2d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout3d.*

class PuzzleBox : Model {
    var width = 70.0 // Internal size

    var depth =  60.0 // Internal size

    var middleHeight = 22.0 // Internal size

    var topHeight = 10.0 // Internal size

    var bottomHeight = 30.0 // Internal size

    var radius = 6.0 // Radius of the INSIDE. Other radii are calculated.

    var radiusSides = 4.0

    var thickness = 4.0 // Thickness of the top (sides and top/bottom)

    var patternThickness = 0.6 // he depth of the pattern cut into the top/bottom

    var lipThickness = 2.0 // Should probably be half of thickness (or close to it)

    var lipHeight = 6.0 // The height of the lip on the bottom piece.

    // I created small prototypes to find the best value for this.
    // It is the additional space in the top part for the bottom's lip
    // to fit into. I wanted an interferance fit.
    var lipSlack = 0.3 

    var chamfer = 2.0 // Chamfer of the bottom and top edges.

        For large boxes, it is important to add ears to the corners, so
        that the box doesnt lift off of the print bed.
        For very large boxes, maybe ears along the edges are also
        needed (especially when using ABS), but this model doesn't
        support ears along the edges. So either improves the model,
        or add extra ears anually in your slicer.
        NOTE, I also tape the ears to the bed with masking tape after they
        have been printed (i.e. after the first layer is complete)
    var cornerEars = 0.0

    fun createProfile( offset : double ) =
        Square( width + offset*2, depth + offset*2 )
            .roundAllCorners( radius + offset, radiusSides )

    fun createContent( height : double ) =
        Square( width -1, depth -1 ).roundAllCorners( radius - 0.5 )
            .extrude( height )

    fun top() = buildPart( "top" )

    fun middle() = buildPart( "middle" )

    fun bottom() = buildPart( "bottom" )

    fun view() = buildPart("view")

    override fun build() = buildPart("exploded")

    fun buildPart( part : String) : Shape3d {

        val contentCubes =
            createContent( bottomHeight-1).translateZ(1) +
            createContent( middleHeight).translateZ( bottomHeight + 1) +
            createContent( topHeight-1).translateZ( bottomHeight + middleHeight + 2)
        val contents = contentCubes

        val inside = createProfile( 0 )
        val outside = createProfile( thickness )
        val outsideChamfer = createProfile( thickness - chamfer)
        val outsideLip = createProfile( lipThickness )
        val slackLip = createProfile(lipThickness - lipSlack )

        val top : Shape3d = ExtrusionBuilder().apply {
            crossSection( outsideChamfer )
            forward( chamfer )
            crossSection( outside )
            forward( topHeight + thickness - chamfer )
            crossSection( outside )
            crossSection( outsideLip )
            forward( -lipHeight )
            crossSection( outsideLip )
            crossSection( inside )
            forward( -topHeight + lipHeight)
            crossSection( inside )
        }.build().color( "Blue" )

        val bottom : Shape3d = ExtrusionBuilder().apply {
            crossSection( outsideChamfer )
            forward( chamfer )
            crossSection( outside )
            forward( bottomHeight + thickness - chamfer )
            crossSection( outside )
            crossSection( slackLip )
            forward( lipHeight - 1 )
            crossSection( slackLip )
            crossSection( inside )
            forward( -bottomHeight - lipHeight + 1 )
            crossSection( inside )
        }.build().color( "Blue" )

        val middleSolid = ExtrusionBuilder().apply {
            crossSection( outside )
            forward( middleHeight )
            crossSection( outside )
            crossSection( slackLip )
            forward( lipHeight )
            crossSection( slackLip )
            .color( "Blue" ).brighter()

        val middleHole = ExtrusionBuilder().apply {
            crossSection( outsideLip )
            forward(0.1 + lipHeight + 1 )
            crossSection( outsideLip )
            forward( thickness ) // Chamfer so that we don't need support material
            crossSection( inside )
            forward( middleHeight - thickness -1 + 0.1)
            crossSection( inside )

        val middle = middleSolid - middleHole

        val view = contents +
            bottom +
            middle.translateZ( bottomHeight + thickness + 1 ).color("Yellow") +
                .translateZ( bottomHeight + middleHeight + thickness + 2 )

        val pattern : Shape3d = pattern()
            .extrude( patternThickness )
            .translateZ( -0.01)
            .color( "WhiteSmoke" )
        val inspection =  Cube( 600, 5, 600 ).center() +
            Cube( 5, 400, 400 ).center() +
            Cube(400, 1, 400).centerY().rotateZ(45)

        val ears = Circle( cornerEars )
                    width/2 + cornerEars*0.5 - radius/2,
                    depth/2 + cornerEars*0.5 - radius/2
                .extrude( 0.2 )

        return if (part == "top" ) {
            top - pattern + ears
        } else if (part == "middle" ) {
            middle + ears
        } else if (part == "bottom" ) {
            bottom - pattern + ears
        } else if (part == "view" ) {
        } else if (part == "exploded" ) {
            bottom.translateX( width +10).centerXY() +
            //contents +
            middle.translateZ(bottomHeight + 20).centerXY() +
            top.rotateX(180).translateZ( bottomHeight + middleHeight + topHeight + 50).centerXY()
        } else {
            view / inspection


    var pattern = "circles2"
    var patternSize = 7.0
    fun pattern() : Shape2d {

        return if (pattern == "striped") {
            Square( width *3, patternSize ).tileY( width / patternSize, patternSize ).center().translateY(patternSize)
        } else if (pattern == "striped2" ) {
            Square( width *3, patternSize ).tileY( width / patternSize, patternSize ).center()
        } else if (pattern == "diagonal" ) {
            Square( width *3, patternSize ).tileY( width / patternSize, patternSize ).center().translateY(patternSize).rotate(45)
        } else if (pattern == "diagonal2" ) {
            Square( width *3, patternSize ).tileY( width / patternSize, patternSize ).center().rotate(45)
        } else if (pattern == "spots" ) {
            val scale = 0.5
            Circle( patternSize )
                .tileX( Math.floor(0.25 * width / patternSize), patternSize*2 )
                .tileY( Math.floor(0.25 * depth / patternSize), patternSize*2 )
                .translate( patternSize * 2, patternSize * 2 ).also()
        } else if ( pattern == "diamond" ) {
            val count = width ~/ patternSize
            val result = listOf<Shape2d>()
            for ( i in 0 until count ) {
                    Square( (i*2+1) * patternSize ).center().rotate(45) -
                    Square( (i*2) * patternSize ).center().rotate(45)
            Union2d( result )

        } else if ( pattern == "diamond2" ) {
            val count = width ~/ patternSize
            val result = listOf<Shape2d>()
            for ( i in 1 until count ) {
                    Square( (i*2) * patternSize ).center().rotate(45) -
                    Square( (i*2-1) * patternSize ).center().rotate(45)
            Union2d( result )

        } else if (pattern == "circles" ) {
            val count = 0.4 * Math.sqrt( width * width + depth * depth ) ~/ patternSize
            val result = listOf<Shape2d>()
            for ( i in 0 until count ) {
                    Circle( (i*2+1) * patternSize ) - Circle( (i*2) * patternSize )
            Union2d( result )
        } else if (pattern == "circles2" ) {
            val count = 0.4 * Math.sqrt( width * width + depth * depth ) ~/ patternSize
            val result = listOf<Shape2d>()
            for ( i in 1 until count ) {
                    Circle( i*2 * patternSize ) - Circle( (i*2-1) * patternSize )
            Union2d( result )
        } else {
            Square( 1 ).translateX( 1000 )
