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A simple box, with wooden runners to house my B&Q component organiser boxes. https://www.diy.com/departments/20-compartment-compartment-organiser-case/1345784_BQ.prd

NOTE. I will make one of the boxes fixed in place, with full extension drawer runners, so that I can use it as a shelf (as somewhere to place each box when it is removed from the cabinet).

FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.along.v2.Along.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout2d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout3d.*

class WoodenComponentCabinet : Model {
    // Thickness of the plywood
    var thickness = 12

    // Should include a little wiggle room! This is the internal width of the box.
    var boxWidth = 420
    // Must fit 350mm drawer runners!
    var boxDepth = 350
    // Should include extra wiggle room.
    var boxHeight = 65

    // If there needs to be extra space between boxes, but not at the bottom and
    // top of the cabinter
    var gap = 0

    var drawerCount = 6

    // Dimensions of the wood for the wooden slides.
    // The width is quite critical, but the height is fairly arbitrary.
    var slideW = 9
    var slideH = 15

    // How far into the cabinet the slides start. My boxes have a natural "stop"
    // near the front, so the slides cannot start at the front of the cabinet.
    var slideShort = 25

    val ply = SheetLumber( "ply", thickness )
    val slideL = Lumber( "slide", slideW, slideH )

    fun cabinet() : Shape3d {

        val width = boxWidth + thickness * 2
        val depth = boxDepth + thickness
        val height = drawerCount * ( boxHeight + gap ) - gap + thickness * 2

        val topBottom = ply.cut( width, depth )

        val sides = ply.cut( height - thickness*2, depth )

        val back = ply.cut( height - thickness*2, width - thickness*2)

        val cabinet = topBottom + sides + back

        val slides = slideL.cut( boxDepth-slideShort )
            .label( "slide" )
            .translateX( boxWidth - slideL.width() ).also().centerX()
            .topTo( thickness + 45 )
            .repeatZ( drawerCount, boxHeight + gap )

        return cabinet + slides

    override fun build() : Shape3d {
        return cabinet()