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Replacement handles for my wheelbarrow.

Includes a knarlled pattern made by the union of two regular polygons rotated to form a star shape. The outside is also twisted by 10 degrees backwards and forwards.

To help printing, the handle is made in two pieces.

FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.Debug.*

class BarrowHandle : Model {
    var size = 31.5 // Hmm, my prints end up 1mm too small. It should be 30.5
    var chamfer = 1
    var length = 120
    var thickness = 2
    var hilt = 3
    var hiltLength = 6
    var stopSize = 10
    var stopThickness = 2
    var stopOverlap = 20

    fun handle() : Shape3d {

        val sections = length ~/ 8

        val sides = 8

        val radius = size / 2
        val inside = Circle.hole( radius ).sides(sides * 4)
        val hiltP = Circle( radius + thickness + hilt ).sides(sides * 4)

        val stopP = Circle( radius + thickness + stopSize ).sides(sides * 4)
        val stopOverlapP = Circle( radius + thickness ).sides(sides*4)

        val outside = Circle( radius + thickness ).sides(sides)
        val handle = ExtrusionBuilder().apply {
            joinStrategy = OneToOneJoinStrategy()

            crossSection( hiltP.offset(-chamfer) )
            forward( chamfer )
            crossSection( hiltP )
            forward( hiltLength-chamfer )
            forward( chamfer )
            crossSection( hiltP.offset(-chamfer) )
            crossSection( outside )

            for (s in 1..sections) {
                forward( (length-hiltLength-stopOverlap-chamfer)/sections )
                turnZ(if (s % 2 == 1) 10 else -10)
            crossSection( stopOverlapP )
            forward( stopOverlap )
            forward( -length + thickness )
        }.build() // Cube( 100, 1, 1000 ).center()

        return handle

    fun stop() : Shape3d {

        val sides = 8

        val radius = size / 2
        val inside = Circle.hole( radius ).sides(sides * 4)
        val hiltP = Circle( radius + thickness + hilt ).sides(sides * 4)

        val stopP = Circle( radius + thickness + stopSize ).sides(sides * 4)
        val stopOverlapP = Circle( radius + thickness ).sides(sides*4)

        val stop = ExtrusionBuilder().apply {
            crossSection( stopOverlapP.offset(0.3) )
            crossSection( stopOverlapP.offset(thickness) )
            forward( stopOverlap-thickness-stopThickness )
            crossSection( stopP )
            forward( stopThickness )
        }.build() - Cylinder.hole( 100, radius + thickness + 0.3 ).center()

        return stop

    override fun build() : Shape3d {
        return handle() + stop().translateZ( length - stopOverlap ) +
