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This was first created, so that I could secure a squash plant along the top of a wooden fence. But I guess it could be used for lots of things.

Print Notes

I suggest lots of perimeters, because the strength is needed along the length (and it will be a 100% filled object due to the small thickness, so why not all perimeters?)

I printed these in PLA, and they are flexible enough. Time will tell if they hold their shape well enough.

FooCAD Source Code
class FenceTopClip : Model {
    var size = Vector3( 100, 6, 1 )

    var endSize = Vector2( 22, 18 )

    var keyholeD1 = 9
    var keyholeD2 = 5
    var keyholeL = 8
    override fun build() : Shape3d {

        val keyhole = Circle.hole( keyholeD2/2 ).translateX( -keyholeL ).hull(
                Circle.hole( keyholeD2/2 )
        ) + Circle( keyholeD1 / 2 )

        val end = Circle( endSize.x/2 )
            .scale( 1.0, endSize.y / endSize.x) -

        val strip = Square( size.x, size.y ).center()
        val all = strip +
            end.translateX( -size.x / 2 - keyhole.size.x/2 ).mirrorX().also()
        val result = all.extrude( size.z )
        return result