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I made a giant Jenga from rounded carcassing timber from Wickes.co.uk, and was given a woodeen box, which is just about big enough to fit all of the pieces. We start the tower on top of the box (so we don't have to bend down so far, and the tower is higher), These feet fit under the box, and can be adjusted to make the platform level (or deliberately angled if required!)

FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout2d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout3d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.chamferedextrude.v1.ChamferedExtrude.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.screws.v2.Screws.*
import uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.threaded.v1.Threaded

class JengaFeet : Model {
    val diameter = 40
    val pitch = 5
    val threadSize = 2.0
    val height = 25
    val wallThicknss = 4
    val baseThickness = 2
    val extraNutHeight = 0
    val extraRodHeight = 10

    fun threaded() = Threaded.create( threadSize, diameter, pitch ).apply {
        sides = 52 // Hmm, some values cause the rendered version to fail???
        nutProfile = Circle( diameter * 0.6 + 4 ).sides( 6 ).roundAllCorners(5)
        nutChamfer = baseThickness

    // Screw is 8mm inside the "rod".
    // I plan on using 20mm screws, so 12mm is into the wood.
    fun countersink() = Countersink()
        .recess(height + extraRodHeight - 8)

    fun nut() : Shape3d {
        val thread = threaded()
        val nut = thread.nut(height + baseThickness + extraNutHeight )
        val base = thread.nutProfile.chamferedExtrude( baseThickness, thread.nutChamfer, 0 )

        return nut + base

    fun holes() : Shape3d {
        return countersink().mirrorZ().bottomTo(0).translateX( diameter*0.25 )

    fun rod() : Shape3d {

        val thread = threaded()
        val rod =  thread.rod( height, 180, 30 )
        val holes : Shape3d = holes()
        val extra = Circle(thread.innerR).sides(thread.sides)
            .extrude( extraRodHeight + thread.rodChamfer )
            .bottomTo( height - thread.rodChamfer )
        return rod + extra - holes

    // A template to help mark pilot holes for the screws.
    fun template() : Shape3d {
        return (Circle( diameter/2 ) + Square( diameter/2 )).extrude(0.4) - holes().topTo(1)

    override fun build() : Shape3d {
        return nut().color("Orange") +
            rod().color("Green").bottomTo( baseThickness + extraNutHeight )