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FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.along.v2.Along.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout2d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout3d.*

include General.foocad

A planter, which never rots, because the plants are placed in plastic containers
which are hidden from view by the light green trim.
I use these in front of my house, and swapping the plastic containers let's
me freshen the display without digging up the old display.
So for example a display of spring flowering bulb can be replaced by
geranimums. The bulbs can be placed elsewhere until their foliage dies down.
class Planter : General() {
    // Timber is either 1.8m or 2.4m.
    // I want to fit TWO 600mm boxes, so the length must be over 1200mm,
    // so the 2.4m timber is no good.
    // 1.8m timber leaves 500mm, which is just about perfect (for the width W)
    val length = 1455
    val width = 440

    val trimW = 30
    val trimT = 18

    val dividerW = 50
    val dividerT = 35

    val ringCount = 3
    val dividerCount = 2

    fun height() = (ww + gap) * ringCount - gap

    fun trimLumber() = Lumber( "trim", trimW, trimT, "LightGreen" )
    fun dividerLumber() = Lumber( "divider", dividerW, dividerT, "LightGreen" )

    fun trim() : Shape3d {
        val lumber = trimLumber()
        val edge = lumber.cut( length - wt * 2 )
            //.cutZRatio( MitreJoint( lumber, 3 ), 0 )
            //.cutZRatio( MitreJoint( lumber, 3 ).otherEnd(), 1 )
            .translate( -length/2 + wt, -width/2+wt, height() - trimT )
        val end = lumber.cut( width - wt * 2 )
            //.cutZRatio( MitreJoint( lumber, 3 ), 0 )
            //.cutZRatio( MitreJoint( lumber, 3 ).otherEnd(), 1 )
            .translate( -length/2 + wt, -width/2+wt, height() - trimT )

        return edge + edge.mirrorY().also() +

    fun divider() : Shape3d {
        val lumber = dividerLumber()
        return lumber.cut( width - wt * 2 )
            //.cutZRatio( MitreJoint( lumber, 0 ).translate(0,-trimT,0), 0 )
            //.cutZRatio( LapJoint( lumber, 1 ).translate(0,-trimT,0), 0 )
            .translate( 0, -width/2+wt, height() - trimT )

    fun dividers() : Shape3d {
        return divider().spreadX( dividerCount, length, 1 ).translateX(-length/2)

    override fun build() : Shape3d {
        return rings( lumber, length, width, gap, ringCount ) +
            feet( length, width ) +
            slattedFloor( length, width ).color("Violet") +
            trim().color("Orange") +
