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FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.arrange.v1.Arrange.*
import uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.threaded.v2.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.threaded.v2.Thread.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout2d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout3d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.chamferedextrude.v1.ChamferedExtrude.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.screws.v2.Screws.*

class AdjustableFoot : Model {
    var diameter = 25

    var pitch = 2.0

    var height = 20

    var wallThickness = 6

    var baseThickness = 1.2

    var extraNutHeight = 0

    var extraRodHeight = 2

    var chamfer = 3

    var holeCount = 3

    var mock = false

    fun threaded() : Thread {
        val thread = Thread( diameter, 2 )
            .rodChamfer( 1 )
        thread.mock = mock
        return thread

    fun nut() : Shape3d {
        val thread = threaded()
        val main = Circle( diameter/2 + wallThickness )
            .chamferedExtrude( height + extraNutHeight, chamfer, 1 )

        val hole = thread.threadedHole( main.top - baseThickness )
            .chamferStart( false )
            .clipped( true )
            .topTo( main.top )

        return main - hole

    fun rod() : Shape3d {

        val thread = threaded()
        val rod =  thread.threadedRod( height )

        val hole = Countersink()
            .recess(height + extraRodHeight - 8)
        val holes = if (holeCount < 2) {
        } else {
            hole.translateX( diameter*0.25 )

        val extra = Circle(thread.coreRadius()).sides(thread.sides())
            .extrude( extraRodHeight + thread.rodChamfer )
            .bottomTo( height - thread.rodChamfer )

        return if (mock)  {
            rod + extra
        } else {
            rod + extra - holes
    var cornerSize = Vector2(40, 3 )

    fun rodWithCorner() : Shape3d {
        val thread = threaded()
        val rod =  thread.threadedRod( height )

        val hole = Countersink()
            .recess(height + extraRodHeight - 8)

        val extra = Circle(thread.coreRadius()).sides(thread.sides())
            .extrude( extraRodHeight + thread.rodChamfer )
            .bottomTo( height - thread.rodChamfer )

        val corner = Square( cornerSize.x ).center()
            .roundAllCorners( 3 )
            .extrude( cornerSize.y )
            .bottomTo( extra.top )

        val offset = Math.max( diameter/2, cornerSize.x/2 - 10)
        val holes = hole + Countersink()
            .translate( offset, offset, 0 )

        return if (mock) {
            rod + corner + extra
        } else {
            rod + corner + extra - holes

    // A template to help mark pilot holes for the screws.
    fun template() = rod() intersection Cube( 100, 100, 0.4 ).centerXY()

    override fun build() : Shape3d {
        return arrangeX( 5,