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Parametric hinges.

I printed two pairs for my garden cupboard, one pair in PETG and the other in PLA. Both still work after over a year.

FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.arrange.v1.Arrange.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout2d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Layout3d.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.screws.v1.Screws.*

include HingeLayingFlat.feather

class DoorHinge : Model {
    @Custom( about="Diameter of the hinge's outer cylinder" )
    var outerD = 10.0

    @Custom( about="Diameter of the core inside the hinge" )
    var innerD = 6.0

    @Custom( about="Length of the hinge" )
    var length = 60.0

    @Custom( about="Number of pieces on one side of the hinge barrel. Other side has one more" )
    var pieces = 2

    @Custom( about="Thickness of the hinge plates. Must be less than outerD/2" )
    var thickness = 4.0

    @Custom( about="Width of the hinge plate" )
    var width = 20.0

    @Custom( about="Diameter of the hole for the screws" )
    var screwD = 4

    @Custom( about="Diameter of the countersink hole for the screw head" )
    var screwHeadD = 8

    @Custom( about="Number of screw holes per plate" )
    var holeCount = 3

    @Custom( about="Corner rounding radius. 0 for square corners")
    var radius = 3

    // 0.5 worked fine. Was originally 0.7 (for my old printer).
    // 0.3 fused (first layer elephants foot. A knife freed it.
    @Custom( about="Distance between moving surfaces" )
    var slack = 0.5

    fun plate() : Shape2d {
        return Square( width-1, length)

    fun countersinks() : Shape3d {
        val hole = countersink( screwD, screwHeadD )
            .translateX(outerD/4 + width/2) // Center the holes
        return hole.repeatY(holeCount, length/holeCount ).centerY()

    // This could also be used as a template, but I created it because I removed too much
    // wood, and wanted to bodge it so that the door closed cleanly :-O
    fun spacer() : Shape3d {
        val plate = (plate() - Square(outerD/2, 100).centerY()).extrude(1)
        return plate - countersinks()    

    override fun build() : Shape3d {

        val hinge = HingeLayingFlat(outerD, innerD, length, pieces)
        hinge.slack = slack

        val plate = plate()
            .extrude( thickness )

        val holes = countersinks()
        val plates = (plate - holes).mirrorX().also()

        return (hinge and plates)