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FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.changefilament.v1.ChangeFilament.*

NOTE, Poppy tested this label, and it only lasted a year - the outline fell off,
and then one of the telephone number's digits also fell off.
So consider using DogLabel2 instead, which is more robust (hopefully!).

I recommend printing in 3 colours.

class DogLabel : Model, PostProcessor {
    @Custom( about="Your phone number", lines=2)
    var front = "PHONE\nNUMBER"

    @Custom( about="Your pet's name" )
    var back = "NAME"

    // The thickness, NOT including the "outdent"
    var thickness = 1.4

    // Depth of the writing on the bottom
    var indent = 0.8

    // Height of the writing on the top
    var outdent = 0.6

    override fun build() : Shape3d {

        val frontText = Text( front, 7 ).hAlign(CENTER).center()
            .extrude( outdent+0.2)
            .color( "Green" )

        val backText = Text( back, BOLD, 9 ).hAlign(CENTER)
            .offset(0.2) // Make it bolder
            .extrude( indent + 0.01 ).translateZ(-0.1)

        val width = Math.max( frontText.size.x, backText.size.x )
        val height = Math.max( frontText.size.y, backText.size.y )

        val hoop = (Circle( 10 ).translateY(-2) - Circle( 5 ))
            .translateY( height - 10 )
        val main = Square(width + 5, height + 2).center().roundAllCorners(5)
        val both = hoop + main

        val outline = (both - both.offset(-0.8))
        //return both.extrude(thickness) - backText + frontText + outline
        return both.extrude(thickness) -backText + frontText + outline

    // This is the main focus of this example! Also not that the class must implement PostProcessor.
    override fun postProcess(gcode: GCode) {
        gcode.pauseAtHeight( indent, "Change Filament : Middle" )
        gcode.pauseAtHeight( thickness, "Change Filament : Top" )