Exit Full View


FooCAD Source Code
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.changefilament.v1.ChangeFilament.*
import static uk.co.nickthecoder.foocad.layout.v1.Debug.*
    Creates letter with raised outlines.

    WARNING. This may fail for large widths and bevels.
    The *inside* of the shape remains constant, and if the width+bevel*2 gets too big, the shape
    will self intersect, and will fail.
class Outline2 : Model, PostProcessor {
    var string = "2"

    var style = TextStyle( DEFAULT_FONT, 90)

    var thickness = 2.0

    var width = 2.5

    var pause = true

    var chamfer = 1.0

    @Custom( about="1=> The outline is outside of the text. 0=> The outlin is inside the text." )
    var ratio = 1.0
    var baseThickness = 0.6

    override fun build() : Shape3d {

        val text = Text( string, style ).toPolygon()

        val outlines = listOf<Shape3d>()

        for ( part in text.parts() ) {
            println( "Path : $part" )

            val outline = ExtrusionBuilder().apply {
                crossSection( part.offset(width))
                forward( thickness-chamfer )
                forward( chamfer )
                crossSection( -chamfer )
                crossSection( -width+chamfer )
                forward( -chamfer )
                crossSection( -chamfer )
                forward( -thickness+chamfer )

            outlines.add( outline )

        val base = text.extrude( baseThickness )

        return Union3d(outlines) + base

    override fun postProcess(gcode: GCode) {
        if ( pause && baseThickness > 0 ) {
            pauseAtHeight( gcode, baseThickness, "Change Filament" )
