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FooCAD Source Code
class Sachin : Model {

    @Custom( about="The width of the stokes" )
    var width = 3

    // The height of the stencil will be height + margin * 2
    @Custom( about="The height of the words (used to scale the svg appropriately)")
    var height = 40

    @Custom( about="Thickness of the stencil" )
    var thickness = 1.8

    @Custom( about="Width and height of the joining parts, which prevent the middle of letters being detatched" )
    var joinSize = Vector2(3, thickness-0.4)

    @Custom( about="The margin around the words, forming the rectangular stencil" )
    var margin = 20

    @Custom( about="Radius of the stencil's corners" )
    var radius = 10
    override fun build() : Shape3d {

        var doc = SVGParser().parseFile("sachin.svg")
        val group = doc.shapes["lines"] as Union2d
        var vertical = doc.shapes["vertical"]
        var horizontal = doc.shapes["horizontal"]

        var lines : Shape2d = Union2d()
        for shape in group.dependencies2d {
            println( "Shape $shape" ) 
            for path in shape.paths {
                lines += path.thickness( width )

        val scale = height / lines.size.y
        val name = lines.scale( scale )

        val background = name.boundingSquare().offset( margin ).roundAllCorners(radius)
        val main = (background - name).extrude(thickness)
        val joinVertical = vertical.paths[0].thickness(joinSize.x).translateX(-width/2-joinSize.x/2)
            .scale( scale )
            .extrude( joinSize.y ).color("Red")
        val joinHorizontal = horizontal.paths[0].thickness(joinSize.x)
            .scale( scale )
            .extrude( joinSize.y ).color("Red")

        return (main + joinVertical + joinHorizontal).centerXY()