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Burton / todo.txt

Burton To-do list


Caven Quest
    Enemies don't respawn.



Garden scenes (pumpkin & bees)


Test the Hub(s)...
    Use a "special" player, which can open Portculises just by touching the appropriate Gate.

Much Later

When the "hardest" of each of the "normal" levels (rocks/*, balloons/*) are completed,
    open a portcullis that leads to a new "hub".
    "Well done, you have mastered the basics, now let's see how good you really are!"

Create some plan view scenes (with different Player and other costumes)
    Holes that can only be covered by pushing a block into it
    Hole covered in sticks turns into a hole when moved off of
    Hole with stick and leaves turns into a hole with just sticks when moved off of
    "Rough" squares, which cannot be push onto, but are othewise "empty"
    Glass table (acts like the current table), but can have a gold bar beneath it (saloon sally!)

Get XOR scenes working like the original
    All the "cheats" should work.
Add some Repton 3 levels???