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Function Types

Function Types are a feature not seen in Java (AFAIK).

They are similar in spirit to lambdas, but the implementation is much simpler.

Let's take a look at an example :

class Foo {

    // Nothing weird here yet!
    func plus( a : double, b : double ) = a + b
    func minus( a : double, b : double ) = a - b
    // This is odd.
    var myFunction = ::plus

    func applyFunction( a : double, b : double ) : double {
        // This looks simple, but `myFunction` is a `var`, not a `func` or `meth`.
        return myFunction( a, b )

myFunction is a field, whose type is a Function, which takes two double arguments, and returns a double. We could have explicitly stated the type in the var definition :

var myFunction : (double, double)->double = ::plus

We can call (invoke) a Function just like we would a regular fun :

myFunction( 1, 2 )

The result is obviously 3, when myFunction == ::plus. But myFunction is a var, so we could change it to ::minus, or any other function with the same argument types and return type.

A function can be treated like any other object. It can be passed as an argument to a func or meth, stored in fields/lists/arrays etc.

Curried Functions

Currying a function means we give one or more arguments to the Function, without invoking the Function.

For example, we can curry myFunction like so :

val myCurriedFunction = myFunction.curry( 4 )

myCurriedFunction is also a Function, but as the first parameter is already given, myCurriedFunction now only has a single argument. We could have explicitly stated its type like so :

val myCurriedFunction : (double)->double = myFunction.curry( 4 )

To invoke it :

myCurriedFunction( 2 )

The result is 6 (4+2), assuming myFunction is ::plus.

Note that myCurriedFunction is NOT the same type as myFunction, because they have different arguments.

meth vs func

In the example above the ::plus is a func. We can also use methods (meth). In which case, the first argument to the Function is the instance of the class.

How it works

Function is a regular Java class in the Feather runtime. When a Function is created, it is passed a Java Method (from the java.lang.reflect package)

Invoking the function calls Method.invoke.

Differences with Java/Kotlin Lambdas

  1. Functions are simpler. They only have access to their parameters.
  2. Functions ultimately use plain old func or meth, you cannot (yet) create a Function from an in-line expression or block of code.

Lambdas are much more powerful, because they don't have either of these limitations.

However, there's no simple equivalent of currying with lambdas.


Why did I implement Functions, when lambdas are more powerful, and easy to use?

Quite frankly, lambdas are really tricky to implement, whereas Functions are dead easy!

I fondly remember using pure functional languages, where functions as first-class-citizens is the norm, and currying is common. So I wanted to see how this could work in Feather.

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