Feather2 / documentation / Precedence.md
Precedence determines the order that parts of an expression are evaluated. Consider :
a + b * c
In general, expressions are not evaluated left-to-right. Instead, each operator is ordered by its precedence. If two operators have the same precedence, then they are performed left-to-right.
In the example above *
is performed before +
, so these are identical :
a + b * c
a + (b * c)
- Parentheses
- Postfix Unary operators
++ --
- Fields/Function/method calls, including
. Array access[]
- Prefix Unary Operators
+ - ! ++ --
as as?
- Power :
- Multiplicative :
* / ~/ %
- Additive
+ - .. =>
- Infix function calls e.g.
a myFunction b
- Elvis
is !is
- Comparisons
< > <= >=
- Equality
== != === !==
- Conjunction
- Disjunction
- Assignments
= += -= *= /= ~/= %=
AFAIK, this ordering is identical to Kotlin.
If you have Commands enabled, then |>
(append redirect) is in the Comparison group
(together with >
and <
, which perform redirects).
And |
(pipe) is Equality group.
PS. I find the terminology confusing. Consider the phrase multiplicative
operations have a higher precedence than
. Yes, they are higher in the list, but the number is lower!
To overcome my confusion, I remind myself that 1 is first (i.e. these are ordinals, not cardinals).
If you mix &&
and ||
, I recommend that you ALWAYS include parentheses,
even when it isn't strictly needed.