Feather2 / documentation / VarArgs.md
Here's an example of how vararg
types are defined :
static fun main( args : String... ) {
Which is equivalent to this Kotlin code :
fun main( vararg args : String ) {
Note how Kotlin splits the type into two parts : vararg
before the parameter name,
and String
after the parameter name.
IMHO, this split is bad; the type should only appear after the name.
Also, feather considers varargs
as a convenient way to pass an array into a function.
Not the only way; you may also pass in the array directly.
So these are equivalent :
// Feather Coder
main( "Hello", "World" )
val arguments = arrayOf<String>( "Hello", "World" )
main( arguments )
main( arrayOf<String>( "Hello", "World" ) )
There is no need for the *
operator (aka spread
) which Kotlin requires :
// Kotlin Code
main( "Hello", "World" )
val arguments = arrayOf( "Hello", "World" )
main( * arguments )
main( * arrayOf( "Hello", "World" ) )