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Featureful / about / components / ListFolder.md


A File Manager.

Lists files and folders within a folder. This is arguably the most important component, as many other components use it, either directly or indirectly.

Items can be arranged in a grid, or in a table (showing file-size, and last modified timestamp).

Unlike traditional file managers, there are no side panels for Favourite Places, or a tree view. This is deliberate, and is NOT a disadvantage.

If you want a list of favourite places, that should be a separate component, which works in conjunctions with ListFolder.

If you want a hierarchical tree structure, that is a separate component. See FolderTree.


  • Arrange in a grid
  • Arrange in a table
  • Run operating system commands (using the Runner component).

All other features you would expect to find in a File Manager are handled by other components. This is the power of Featureful.

List Folder simply lists files and folders, and it is up to other components to add Features for contexts File and Folder.

There are other specialised contexts, such as TextFile, MusicFile,ImageFile etc.

Components that enrich ListFolder

Even basic file operations, such as Rename, Copy and Delete are not part of ListFolder, they are part of BasicFolder and BasicFileFolder components.

This is the power of Featureful. Anywhere you see a File, you can apply file Features to it.

This is also the Unix philosophy, do one thing and do it well. ListFolder's one job is to list the contents of a folder. Anything else is handled by another piece of code, which has one job.

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