import FaceUpOrDown
import com.soywiz.korim.bitmap.Bitmap
import com.soywiz.korim.bitmap.BitmapSlice
* Used for cards, and other objects that can be flipped over.
* Note. When cards are placed into a "private area" they are automatically made face up.
* When dragging them out of the "private area", they will be made face down, but when the mouse is
* released, if it is in a "public area", they will be made face up again.
class FlippableImageObjectView(
id: Int,
private val faceUpImage: BitmapSlice<Bitmap>,
private val faceDownImage: BitmapSlice<Bitmap>,
isFaceUp: Boolean
) : GridImageObjectView(id, if (isFaceUp) faceUpImage else faceDownImage) {
var isFaceUp: Boolean = isFaceUp
set(v) {
if (field != v) {
field = v
if (v) {
image.bitmap = faceUpImage
} else {
image.bitmap = faceDownImage
playSound(if (v) FACE_UP else FACE_DOWN)
override fun onDoubleClick(playingArea: PlayingArea) {
isFaceUp = ! isFaceUp
FaceUpOrDown(id, isFaceUp).send()