import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* The corresponding GameObjectView will display the count of the number of [GameObject]s
* at the [SpecialPoint] named [specialPointName].
class PieceAtPointCounter(
override val id: Int,
override var x: Int,
override var y: Int,
var specialPointName: String
) : GameObject {
override val draggable
get() = false
override var privateToPlayerId: Int?
get() = null
set(_) {} // Do nothing
override val name: String = "${specialPointName}_counter"
override var draggingByPlayerId: Int?
get() = null
set(_) {} // Do nothing
override fun copy(newId: Int) = PieceAtPointCounter(
newId, x, y, specialPointName = specialPointName
override fun toString() = "PieceCounter : '$specialPointName' @ $x,$y"