
fun posixArguments(flags: List<Char>, longFlags: List<String>, parameters: List<String>, args: Array<out String>): Arguments

See POSIX Conventions for Command Line Arguments

In order to parse, we need to know which characters are flags, which strings are option names, and if the option has an argument (or is just a long form of a flag).

For example, this could be parsed in many ways :

myProgram -abc -de foo bar

If abc is an option with no value, then it is a long name for a flag. If -abc is an option with a value, then the value is -de. If a is an option with a value, then the value is bc. If abc isn't an option, then it is three flags, a, b, c.

IMHO, this is a mess, and I would never use it.



A list of single-character flags


A list of multi-character flags


A list of parameter names


The arguments to be parsed (the values passed to the program's main method)
