
open fun drawMultiLine(text: CharSequence, color: Color, x: Float, y: Float, hAlignment: HAlignment, vAlignment: TextVAlignment, lineSpacingMultiplier: Float = 1.25f, indentationColumns: Int, modelMatrix: Matrix? = null)



The ratio of the distance between baselines, compared to the Font's height. A value of 1.0 would tightly pack the lines together. 1.25 is often a visually pleasing value, and therefore 1.25 is the default value.

open fun drawMultiLine(text: List<CharSequence>, color: Color, x: Float, y: Float, hAlignment: HAlignment, vAlignment: TextVAlignment, lineSpacingMultiplier: Float = 1.25f, lineSpacingExtra: Float = 0.0f, indentationColumns: Int, modelMatrix: Matrix? = null)



The ratio of the distance between baselines, compared to the Font's height. A value of 1.0 would tightly pack the lines together. 1.25 is often a visually pleasing value, and therefore 1.25 is the default value.


Extra space in pixels between each line (this is in addition to the spacing due to lineSpacingMultiplier. The default is 0.