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Glok / History.md

Version 0.4

Listeners no longer use WeakReferences by default. This has a potential large impact, so beware when upgrading! After using Glok for a while, I realised that weak listeners were a PITA. For the same behaviour as before replace all addListener and addChangeListener with addWeakListener and addWeakChangeListener.

CustomisableTheme now supports multiple color schemes, each with their own set of color properties. Tantalum has a dark and light color scheme.

IndirectProperty renamed to OptionalIndirectProperty. The new IndirectProperty is for parent properties which are not nullable.

Added FlowPane.

Renamed various methods of Commands related to Propery based commands.

Changed the way property-boilerplate is generated, with finer grained control. e.g. Previously all types included stylable boilerplate, despite very few types needing it.

Version 0.3

Toggle Buttons / Menu Items

ChoiceButton and ChoiceMenuItem no longer uses ValueToggleGroup (deleted). Instead, they have a reference to a property.

ChoiceRadioButton and ChoiceRadioButton has been removed, as ChoiceButton/ChoiceMenuItem fulfils those roles.

This affects Commands too.

Key (enum)

Now has a label, so that ActionTooltip looks nicer.

Version 0.2.x

I wasn't keeping track of the changes back then. Please don't use this version!

Version 0.1

The first working version. Please don't use this version!