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A docking system for JavaFX applications. It's written in Kotlin, but you can use it from within a Java application.


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Look at the source code for the Demo

Most of it is boiler plate (to start the application and create the Stage etc).

Create the Harbour, passing the content node, and a factory class. Add this to your scene.

new Harbour(mainContent, new DemoDockableFactory())

Pseudo code for the factory :

public class DemoDockableFactory() {
    public Dockable createDockable( String dockableId ) {
        if ( dockableId == "HELLO" ) return new DemoDockable("HELLO","Hello", "Hello World");
        // More ...
        return null

Here's the DemoDockable implementation (in Kotlin).

class DemoDockable(id: String, title: String, content: String)

    : AbstractDockable(id) {

    // Replace Label with the main node for your dockable.
    override val dockableContent = SimpleObjectProperty<Node>(Label(content))

    init {
        this.dockableTitle.value = title

Add a Dockable to the harbour :

harbour.addDockable("HELLO", Side.LEFT, isMain = true, show = false)

The positions and visibility of each of the Dockables can be saved/loaded using Harbour.save() and Harbour.load() methods. This uses Java's Preferences class.

Or alternatively write your own persistence code using XML or JSON etc.


The prerequisites are a Java JDK (including javaFX) and gradle v2.0 or higher.

For Debian Linux (as root) :

apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk libopenjfx-java gradle

To download and build :

git clone https://gitlab.com/nickthecoder/harbourfx.git
cd harbourfx