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ntc / todo.txt

Rename to ntc?
    Put on github
    Put webwidgets on github

Get music & images working from /gidea
    Don't use struts?
    Have it in the root webapp?

Change nickthecoder's wiki webapp to something else so that pinkwino can be used for pinkwino docs.

Create a list of example urls that have changed, to test the apache redirects after the switch-over.

Remove "search" and "family album" from the navigation (as they doesn't work!)
    Remove butchers cron job(s) too.

Pinkwino :
    Create a new look template
    Use gradle to build it
    Put on github

    Move games into the software page?
    Remove IE waffle from super7
    Create a super7 board and pieces on 3D printer
        Turn a tile over when its been completed, and place a single piece in the middle.
        Alternate rules :

ThumbnailMaker - Save the jpegs
Add pinkwino into the project.
Fix warnings such old fashioned non-generics code.