When moving a tab to the dock, copy the name of the tab.
Docked tools need a way to access the non-row option field.
TabbedDockables with only one tab shouldn't show it as a tab.
May need a "results" menu item, so that switching back from paramaters/filter back to results is possible.
Undo close tool (currently we can only undo a closed tab, not a closed half tab).
Columns to have min, max and stretch ratio
Escape to minimise all dockables (and focus on the current tab's options).
COPY Drag of Files to the same directory make a COPY of the files.
Maybe ask first? To prevent accidental drags screwing things up.
Editor must not discard changes or blank documents when re-run.
Consider saving new documents in the project file (A hidden multiple of string parameter).
May need a "preSave" method on Tool
Dialog box to ask if Editor's buffers should be saved
All operations that may close/detach a tab must do so via a "confirmDetatch" method (not specific to Editor).
If any of the tools require confirmation, then the action isn't performed until the confirmation dialog is "Ok"ed.
The action is in the window title bar. e.g. "Close Tab", "Merge Tabs", "Close Right Panel"
Cancel sends nothing, and abandons the operation.
Closing a whole Project window may yield MANY questions, in which case, show them in GROUPS
If every group has only ONE question, then we don't need to show as groups.
Report errors
Include a cancel button
Include a pause button. Pause the thread AND the process
Allow ctrl+C / ctrl+X and ctrl+V to copy/move files from one DirectoryTool to another.
Implement as options when rows have shortcuts?
Or maybe use the Drag/Drop infrastructure, which may allow copy/paste of other types of data, such as Places.
Implement MythTool using the service API, not using the DB directly
Can't get my myth server to listen on anything except localhost. Grrr.
Maybe put it in a different (sub) project, as it is by no means a core feature.
Convert some of my scripts to paratask-core for their parameters, and add feature to generate a bash completion script for each.
Much Later
Write a generic DB tool
Work with Tables
Work with Users
Work with Rows
Ideally, it would work with at least MariaDB/MySQL, SQLLite and ProgresSQL
Hard Bugs
I've tried to fix them, but have not found a solution.
WebTool does not detect when a redirect occurs.
This puts TWO moments in the history (one for the address requested and another for the redirected address).
JediTerm problem when using a split pane - sometime the Swing component stops working.
This is a long standing known bug with JediTerm.
Hmm, perhaps I should try an all-javafx solution instead of JediTerm.