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Friends and Family

If you've got a web site that you want to advertise, feel free to add it the end of the list.

There were more here once upon a time, I think social media has overtaken personal web sites. What a shame.

Fiona Sarll

Fiona is soon to start her new career as a hypnotherapist. The original name was http://haveringhypnotherapy.co.uk, but is now https://www.anxietyangel.co.uk/.

I still have a picture of the original site that I designed. It looks a little dated now, but I prefer it to the "commercial" look she has now. That "commercial" look really repulses me. When I see a page like that, I want to close the tab ASAP.

James Willett

Fiona's god-son. She bought him the domain name as a gift, and I offered to set up a wiki for him, and host it on my server.