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PaperIO Strategy

Paper io2 is a simple, addictive on-line multiplayer game. Check it out!

Basic Strategy

  1. Be safe. IMHO, it's a marathon, not a sprint.
  2. Be reckless. At the very start of the game, take large area in one swoop. If you get killed, just start again.
  3. When you meet an opponent in neutral (white) space, unless you know you can retreat to safety in time, it is usually better to attack than retreat. For me, this is the opposite of my natural instinct.
  4. Defend from the outside. This is hard to explain... When you are in a fight, the two heads can either be inside each others loop, or outside. If you are on the inside, then it is a race to see who cuts first. However, if you are on the outside, then you will always win as the defender. My natural instinct is to take the shortest path to a cut. This is wrong, as it leads to inside cuts (a race). When you take the outside, the race is between his death and you losing territory.
  5. When you make a kill, that's the time to take the large vacant space with long swoops. Beware of new spawns. This is especially true when you near 100%.
  6. The bigger you are the slower you are. However, you can also see more of the world. So in a 1:1 fight against a tiny opponent, the little guy has the short range advantage, but you have the long range advantage. Only go for a kill if the little guy overreaches. Otherwise attack wherever that aren't! They can't see you take large areas, and if they approach, dive to safety.
  7. After the initial recklessness, never let part of your tail go out of sight.
  8. Try to attach left/right as you have more vision in that direction. Hit F11 for full-screen, to maximise the weaker vertical direction.
  9. Ignore the little guys. Only attack medium sized opponents. Little guys will always be near your point of attack. If your opponent is big, there will be large undefended borders.
  10. Don't be overly concerned about invasions. * Small invasions can be ignored. If you attack elsewhere well, you will gain more than you are losing. * Large invasions are over-extensions. So, the kill should be easy and you can take back the ground quickly (unless a new spawn takes the free space). FYI this is called an elastic defence in war jargon.
  11. Don't attack where there are likely to be 2 opponents.

Types of Kill

Most player only think of killing by cutting a tail. But there's another way :

  • Completely surround your opponent. When you complete a loop, everything becomes yours. This is a possible strategy for completing the 100%. Instead of nibbling away till you reach 100%, create a ring around the world. All other players will die at once! I've not tried this. It's risky, because one small attack could lose half of your land.

In the World Conflict variety, there are two other ways to kill :

  1. Capture the capital. This is my most common type of kill.
  2. Detach the player from his capital

These are particularly good ways to kill, because they are safe (when done well). You don't need close quarter combat.

World Conflict

The apparent aim of this game is points, rather than territory. So don't try for 100% (except as a fun, alternate challenge).

  1. Use the general strategies above to get large (50%+).
  2. Try to keep a small surface area, with your capital in the centre. i.e. one big ball with the capital at the centre. When you get big, your capital is "safe".
  3. Keep an eye on the mini-map, and react to anybody approaching your capital immediately.
  4. Assuming you care about points, don't worry about incursions. Every incursion gives your opponent points, which will soon be yours!
  5. If you *really* care about points, don't kill by cutting unless forced to do so. Taking their will be more profitable. There is an exception if the player hasn't "dropped off" their points at their capital. Look at the number on their head, and compare it with the capital's point. The leader board shows the points at the capitals, and does NOT include points which haven't been dropped off yet.
  6. Capitals on (or near) a coastline are easy targets.
  7. Use the "points animation" to tell where your opponent is, and where the capital is. Even when they are off-screen. The animation moves from the opponent to the capital.
  8. Attack inland capitals by gradually nibbling a path. Beware - if the path is cut you will die. Note. Good opponents will see your attack on their mini-map. Most players aren't good ;-))
  9. When defending against an invasion, scout first before counter attacking. Assuming you are large, you will see him before he sees you. There are various counter-attack strategies. # Retake by nibbling # Counter attack elsewhere # Capture their capital (sidestepping their invasion) # Disconnect their invasion from their mainland. If the invasion is narrow, this could be done in one swoop. Otherwise, nibble till the gap is narrow.
  10. Attack where your opponent isn't. If he is attacking you, let him. Attack him elsewhere, especially towards his capital.

This last point is key. If you do this, I think it is easy to last forever.I got tired after 4,000 points and went on a reckless rampage to end the game.At one point, progress was slow, because nobody had points!So I just spun my wheels for a bit, only attacking after being substantially invaded.

One day, I might see if I can get to the top of the daily high score in a single game.

For world-domination, a capital at the edge of the board is preferable. For maximum points, a centre capital is preferable.

Alas, I've yet to encounter a good player. It's rare to see someone with over 200 points, with most below 100. Meanwhile, I can rack up points until I make a mistake. It will be interesting to see how the strategy may need to change against good opponents. However, I suspect the same strategies will apply, and both players, baring mistakes, could co-exist forever, racking up points by taking territory from each other, without fighting.