Package-level declarations
Intercepts the writeTo method, so that a ProgressOutputStream can inform the progressListener when data has been written to the stream. This lets an application notify the user of progress when uploading files.
Used by ProgressHttpEntity to notify its progressListener as data is written.
Wraps an existing HttpEntity so that subclasses can perform additional processing within one or more methods.
Currently, this is only used when saving custom values as a text file. This seems a little weird - can't we just use the existing Map??? Using this does have one advantage : if a custom value is in the Map, and the model is edited, and that field is removed (or renamed), then rebuilding the Map eliminates defunct key/value pairs in the .custom file.
Sets @Custom values of a Model using name
pairs in customValues. In the simplest case, the key to customValues is a field name. However, it may also be a path
to a field, such as
. In which case, we need to set the field baz