
interface Customisable

Models can have customisable data using the @Custom annotation on its vars. These can use simple types, such as int, double etc. But you may also create a type with one of more vars with a @Custom annotation. e.g.

 class MyData : Customisable {
     var width = 10

     var height = 20

class NestedCustom : Model {

    var data = MyData()

    override fun build() : Shape3d {
          return Cube(data.width, data.height, 1)

Note that Model is a sub-interface of Customisable, and therefore you can import an existing model into a more complex one. e.g. You could create a model for a hinge, and then use that hinge on a hinged box, and the @Custom attributes of the hinge will customisable within the hinged box, assuming you define the hinge like so :


class HingedBox : Model {

    val hinge = Hinge().apply {
        // Set up default values for hinge's attributes.

    override fun build : Shape3d {
