
annotation class Custom(val about: String = "", val min: Double = java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, val max: Double = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, val slider: Boolean = false, val lines: Int = 1, val fontName: Boolean = false, val additional: Boolean = false)

Tag var fields of your Model, and they will appear in the customiser. This will let you (or others) create alternate versions of the model with customised parameters values.

See menu "View->Customiser" in the GUI.


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val additional: Boolean = false

Additional parameters are initially hidden, and there is a "more/less" toggle to show/hide them.

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val fontName: Boolean = false

For a String which is a font's name. The Customiser GUI will display possible font names, rather than a simple TextField.

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val lines: Int = 1

For String values, how many lines of text. 1 for text without new line characters.

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val max: Double

The maximum value (only applicable to number values)

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val min: Double

The minimum value (only applicable to number values)

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val slider: Boolean = false

Should a slider be used instead of a spinner for number values?