Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractModel : Model

This was created to implement methods of Model which no longer exist. Therefore, it no longer serves any purpose.

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abstract class AbstractPrinter(name: String, printerProfileName: String, printProfileName: String, filamentProfileName: String) : Printer
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Settings which are used by foocad-core. These have no dependencies on the gui application.

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object DummyModel : Model
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class FolderPrinter(name: String = "", printerProfileID: String = "", printProfileID: String = "", filamentProfileID: String = "", folder: File = File(""), useSubFolders: Boolean = true) : AbstractPrinter

Makes a copy of the gcode file to a specific folder.

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class GCode(file: File)
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interface GCodeState
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class KlipperPrinter(name: String = "", printerProfileID: String = "", printProfileID: String = "", filamentProfileID: String = "", url: String = "", apiKey: String = "", useSubFolder: Boolean = true) : AbstractPrinter, UploadPrinter

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interface Model : Customisable

Each foocad script should contain a single class of type Model.

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interface ModelWithSetup : Model

Multi-piece models may wish to implement the setup method, which is called before any piece is built. Some initialisation isn't possible within the init block. For example, anything that using Custom fields (because these fields are set AFTER the class is created, but before setup and build are called.

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A decoration to Model, which lets it define slicerOverrides without using @Slice annotations.

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class OctoPrinter(name: String = "", printerProfileID: String = "", printProfileID: String = "", filamentProfileID: String = "", url: String = "", apiKey: String = "", useSubFolder: Boolean = true) : AbstractPrinter, UploadPrinter
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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class Piece(val about: String = "", val slice: String = "", val print: String = "", val printable: Boolean = true, val picture: Boolean = false)

Add this annotation to build methods of a Model. The method must take no parameters, and return a Shape3d.

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interface PiecesModel : Model

A decoration to Model, which lets it define the pieceNames without using @Piece annotations.

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interface PostProcessor

If a model implements this interface, then it can post-process the gcode. For example, it can add messages into the gcode when a particular layer has been reached so that the operator can change filament.

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interface Printer

A printer capable of printing gcode models.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class Slice(val brimWidth: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val brimWidthInterior: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val layerHeight: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val firstLayerHeight: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val infillEveryLayers: Int = UNSET_INT, val solidInfillEveryLayers: Int = UNSET_INT, val temperature: Int = UNSET_INT, val firstLayerTemperature: Int = UNSET_INT, val bedTemperature: Int = UNSET_INT, val firstLayerBedTemperature: Int = UNSET_INT, val slowdownBelowLayerTime: Int = UNSET_INT, val maxSpeedReduction: Int = UNSET_INT, val minPrintSpeed: Int = UNSET_INT, val perimeters: Int = UNSET_INT, val onlyOnePerimeterTop: Int = UNSET_INT, val spiralVase: Int = UNSET_INT, val topSolidLayers: Int = UNSET_INT, val bottomSolidLayers: Int = UNSET_INT, val fillDensity: Int = UNSET_INT, val supportMaterial: Int = UNSET_INT, val supportMaterialThreshold: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val supportMaterialBuildplateOnly: Int = UNSET_INT, val travelSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val perimeterSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val smallPerimeterSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val externalPerimeterSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val infillSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val solidInfillSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val topSolidInfillSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val supportMaterialSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val supportMaterialInterfaceSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val bridgeSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val gapFillSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val firstLayerSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE, val maxVolumetricSpeed: Double = UNSET_DOUBLE)
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Optional values which are passed to the slicer command line program.

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Used by ModelExtensions.


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fun Model.buildPiece(pieceName: String?): Shape3d

Builds a piece by looking for a method called pieceName with a Piece annotation.

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fun Model.pieceAnnotation(pieceName: String? = null): Piece?
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Returns piece names by looking Piece annotations on methods.

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The same as pieceNames, but includes the "default" pieceName of null as the first item in the list.

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fun Model.printPieceName(pieceName: String?): String?
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Returns SlicerValues by looking for Slice annotations on the build method.

Returns SlicerValues by looking for Slice annotations on the method named pieceName or the build method if pieceName is null.