
class STLParser

Parses STL files, and returns a Polyhedron. Note, STL comes in two flavours, binary and text. To distinguish between the two, we check the first 5 bytes, and if it reads solid, then it is assumed to be an ascii file. However, I have seen binary STL files with an (erroneous?) header. In this case, use parseBinaryFile, instead of the more usual parseFile (which attempts to guess the flavour).

I use STLParse when I want to take an existing model created by somebody else, and play with it from within FooCAD.


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If your model doesn't render correctly, it may be due to the STL file being inside out. i.e. the points making up the faces are in to wrong order.

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fun parse(file: File): Polyhedron
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fun parseFile(filename: String): Polyhedron