Package-level declarations


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Arranges any number of Shape3d in a roughly square pattern (X and Y), with no shapes touching each other. Primarily designed to arrange multiple independent pieces on a single build-plate.

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Currently the one and only heuristic used by AutoArrange.

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class Cavity

Sometimes it is useful for the holes to be 1st class objects, instead of only modelling the solid parts. For example, we could define a pipe by modelling just the solid part (an extruded ring), or we could define it as a solid cylinder with a cylindrical cavity through it.

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abstract class CompoundShape2d(dependencies2d: List<Shape2d?>) : Multi2dDependent

The base class for Union2d, Intersection2d and Difference2d.

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abstract class CompoundShape3d(dependencies3d: List<Shape3d?>) : Multi3dDependent

The base class for Union3d, Intersection3d and Difference3d.

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open class Extrusion(val shape2d: Shape2d, val height: Double, val scale: Vector2, val convexity: Int?) : Shape3d, Shape2dDependent

An extrusion takes a Shape2d, and stretches (extrudes) it upwards (the Z direction). Created via Shape2d.extrude. OpenSCAD calls this linear_extrude.

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Creates a 3D shape from a 2D shape (or many 2D shapes).

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A heuristic, which makes a "best effort" to join the two shapes in a "pleasing" manner, avoiding twists, and broken extrusions where possible.

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class Hull2d(dependencies2d: List<Shape2d>) : Multi2dDependent


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class Hull3d(dependencies3d: List<Shape3d>) : Multi3dDependent
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interface JoinStrategy
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class ManualPairing(val pairs: List<Pair<Int, Int>>) : VertexPairing

Pair up the points manually.

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Similar to OneToOnePairing, except the pairs are offset. So point 0 of shapeA is paired to point offset of shapeB, and point 1 of shapeA is paired to offset + 1 of shapeB etc.

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Assuming shapeA and shapeB are have the same number of points, this pairs the first point of A with the first point of B and so on, in a 1 to 1 fashion.

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interface PathPairing

Determines how the paths from one Shape2d are mapped to the paths in another Shape2d. Used by Worm to guess how to join to complex shapes (i.e. shapes with holes, or with more than one simple shape)

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class Projection(val shape3d: Shape3d, val cut: Boolean) : Shape2d, Shape3dDependent

Creates a 2d projection of a 3d shape. If cut is false, then we end up with a "shadow", as if the light source were directly above (to infinity). If cut is true (the default), then the result is the slice through the z=0 plane.

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A solid of revolution built from a 2D shape shape2d. Created via Shape2d.revolve.

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class STLParser

Parses STL files, and returns a Polyhedron. Note, STL comes in two flavours, binary and text. To distinguish between the two, we check the first 5 bytes, and if it reads solid, then it is assumed to be an ascii file. However, I have seen binary STL files with an (erroneous?) header. In this case, use parseBinaryFile, instead of the more usual parseFile (which attempts to guess the flavour).

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Parses an SVG file (Use the program Inkscape to edit SVG files) This is a Union2d of all shapes within the SVG file.

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class SVGHandler(val scale: Vector2) : DefaultHandler
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class SVGParser
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interface TubeBuilder

Helps Worm determine how points in pairs of paths are joined to form a tube between the two shapes.

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open class Union2d(children: List<Shape2d?>) : CompoundShape2d
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open class Union3d(children: List<Shape3d?>) : CompoundShape3d
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interface VertexPairing

Determines how the vertices of two 2D shapes are to be paired up when making 3d shapes from 2d shapes.

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interface Worm : Shape3d

A Worm is a 3d shape made up of sections, where each section has a 2d shape at each end joined by a tube. The simplest worm is an extrusion, were both ends are the same shape, parallel to the Z=0 plane (the floor), separated by the length of the extrusion.

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Static methods which are automatically imported within FooCAD scripts, which start making Worms from Shape2d.